Interview (Semi 18+)

(Luna Lovegood POV)

"Hey, sweetheart, it's time to get ready. The horned snorkacks won't find themselves," her father called out.

With a heavy heart, she closed her book and got up from her comfortable spot. Spending time with her father was always enjoyable, but she couldn't help but long for the start of school. Loneliness often crept up on her, and she missed the company of Ginny and Ron, even if they called her "Loony." Hopefully, Hogwarts would bring more open-minded people into her life.

As she made her way towards the kitchen, a deep yawn escaped her lips. Suddenly, a knock on the door interrupted her thoughts, causing her to freeze in her tracks on the staircase. She heard her father opening the door, and curiosity got the better of her. She crept down the stairs and peeked from the wall, only to see a tall man on the doorstep.

At first glance, he didn't look like a wizard. However, the magic emanating from him was unlike anything she had ever felt before. It was as if a powerful whirlwind was swirling around him. She couldn't quite gauge the extent of his strength, as she had never met anyone as powerful as Dumbledore. Nevertheless, from her travels with her father, she could tell that this man was undoubtedly one of the strongest wizards she had encountered.

Despite his immense power, she couldn't shake off the uneasy feeling that his aura seemed greyish with taints of darkness. Instantly, her guard went up, and she became wary of him.

Despite his attempt to put on a jovial attitude, she couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off about the man.

Xenophilius Lovegood, right? The owner of the Quibbler?" a deep baritone voice came.

Her father replied, "Ah, yes, that's me. Who might you be?"

As she made her way down the stairs, she felt their gazes upon her. The man stepped forward and introduced himself, "I would love to introduce myself. I am Sirius Black, and I want to assure you that I come in peace."

A dead silence followed his words. It's not every day that a wanted criminal, who was supposedly innocent, showed up at your doorstep. She wondered if the elusive Crumple-Horned Snorkacks were in Azkaban. Perhaps Sirius' aura was a result of his time in Azkaban.

Her father quickly lunged forward to close the door, revealing his nerves. The death of her mother had damaged him. Sirius had come in rather forcefully, and that was rude. She started to have second thoughts about his innocence.

Sirius could see that his approach had made them guarded. She noticed her father was busy looking towards the kitchen, probably where he left his wand.

Sirius put his hand up in the air and said, "Hey, sorry. I got excited. Well, I was a fan of the Quibbler when I was young. I was hoping if you could interview me about my side. You know, get the word out about my justice."

Her father calmed down a little at that, but he still appeared nervous.

Her father appeared to be in a deep struggle before finally saying, "I will interview you, but you need to keep your wand away where I can see it."

Sirius considered his request before smiling brightly and saying, "That's acceptable. But before that, let me show you something."

He then took out his wand and a small mouse from his pocket. She couldn't help but wonder why someone would put a mouse in their pocket, but everyone had their favorite animals, she supposed.

As she looked closer at the mouse, she suddenly realized that it was Peter Pettigrew, who was known to be an Animagus and had been living as a rat for years. She remembered that the rat that lived with the Weasleys had an eerie similarity to the mouse that Sirius was holding.

Her father looked even more nervous as Sirius flicked his wand, and the mouse transformed into Peter Pettigrew. She couldn't believe it. Poor Percy had been sleeping with an Animagus all this time.



*A picture of Sirius holding the captive Peter Pettigrew*

Innocent Sirius Black warns about the dangerous Dandelion army being trained in Azkaban.

Xeno: Mr. Sirius, did you find Crumple-Horned Snorkack in Azkaban?

Sirius: ah *cough*No, I'm afraid I didn't find any Crumple-Horned Snorkacks in Azkaban. It's not the best place to go looking for magical creatures; I think the question should be, what happened on that infamous night?"

Xeno: Hmm, the night you found the trail for Crumple-Horned Snorkack?

Sirius: "When the war started, my late best friend James hid in a house to protect his newborn daughter. They used the Fidelius charm and chose me as the Secret Keeper. However, I suggested that we change the Secret Keeper to Peter. And then, well, you know the rest, I...I would rather not go into the details, as it still hurts me whenever I remember."

Xeno: Why did you not go to the authorities after this incident

Sirius: I was devastated and felt responsible for what happened because I suggested the change for the Secret Keeper.


"Xeno, please don't release the paper until I give you the signal, and 'The House of Black will owe the House of Lovegood a favor,'" Sirius said before turning to leave. She watched in awe as magic reacted to his words, and an accord was set between the houses. After he left, she turned to her father and remarked, "Well, that was certainly eventful."

Her father nodded, still processing everything that had just happened. "Yes, it was. The House of Black owing us a favor is not something to take lightly," he said with a hint of awe.

She nodded in agreement, still processing the implications of the magical accord. "I know," she said.

Her father smiled at her. "Indeed. And now, I have work to do. I need to get started on this interview," he said before heading to his office to begin his work.

(Pov End)

(Rita Skeeter POV)

Looking at Sirius Black and the bound Peter Pettigrew in front of her, she could feel her loins dampen. The sheer excitement she felt this story would produce.

Ex-con, The new Lord Black, The innocent. ohhh weee.

When she received the letter claiming to have information that would shake up Britain, she was skeptical about whether to believe it or not. However, the letter also mentioned knowing about her secret ability to transform into a beetle, which piqued her interest. She wasn't scared, just curious. At worst, she could be fined, but she had enough dirt on people to blackmail her way out of prison time. Alternatively, she could be killed if she angered the wrong person.

But encountering Sirius Black was an experience beyond her imagination. The meeting place was a muggle pub. She was a younger student than the Marauders and had crushes on both James and Sirius, but she was considered an "ugly duckling" and never dared to approach them. To make matters worse, she was in Slytherin, which made her feel even more distant from them.

When she thought about trying to pursue a fling with her high school crushes, she quickly realized that it was impossible since one was dead and the other was in Azkaban. However, seeing Sirius Black in person, grown and looking more mature and attractive than ever before, brought back some old fantasies that she thought were long forgotten.

Focus, she chided herself.

"Lord Black, you took your time coming back?"

"Well, you know how hard it is for an innocent convict to prove his innocence." Her quick-quotes quill was moving rapidly to capture any statement.

"Can you tell me in detail what happened the night you found your best friend's body and what you felt? Can I get a statement from Mr. Peter?"

She was expecting him to rave and rage at how callous she was, but he didn't even react apart from a twitch of his lips.

He leaned forward and said, "I am not inclined to say more as it is sensitive information." Hmm, that won't do. No one knows what happened on that fateful night. If she can get the scoop, she will probably etch her name in history.

Hmm, he's leaning forward, is he insinuating a deal? Looking around, she saw how nobody was paying them any attention.

She was experienced in these shady deals; getting under the booth, she crawled toward his knees.

(PoV End)

(Sirius POv)

He suggested a deal - perhaps she could become his reporter and attack those he directed her towards. But feeling a hot breath on my crotch instantly hardened me. Feeling her opening my zipper and fishing my cock out, I shut my mouth that was about to tell her off.

*Slurp* Slurp*

When I met Rita Skeeter, I hadn't expected her to be a hot blonde reporter. But again, every woman here who was related to canon characters was hot.

My hand automatically went towards her hair which I caressed as she enthusiastically started choking on my dick.

"You're pretty experienced," I groaned out.

"It helps in getting good news."

The hand caressing her hair changed to a grip, and I held the head in place as I emptied my load in her mouth.

I heard a gulping sound before she came out from under the booth.

Firing a cleaning spell on my crotch, I closed my zipper.

Excitedly, she interrupted, "Can you tell me more about that night?"

I leaned back and began recounting the events,

"James and Lily had hidden with their daughter in a Fidelius-protected house. Peter was selected as the secret Keeper, but when I arrived at the house and experienced my most traumatic event, I hunted Peter in anger."

"What did you see in the house?" she pressed.

"That's a private matter, Rita," I replied firmly.

She looked taken aback. "But I-"

"I can talk about other things, but not about the house and what was inside. When Lily wakes up, you can ask her," I interrupted.

Quickly changing the subject, she asked, "What about the Potter matriarch? She's currently in St. Mungos due to post-Cruciatus Curse effects. Do you think she will be cured?"

"I believe House Black will see to it that she receives the best care and treatment possible," I replied confidently.

"And what about the Girl Who Lived?" she inquired.

"She is in Dumbledore's care."

"I haven't met her yet, but as soon as I am cleared of my charges and get a trial, I plan to adopt her as I am her godfather," I said resolutely

. As I spoke, her quick-quill furiously scribbled down notes.


Daily Prophet

The new Lord Black has appealed to the Ministry for a fair trial and wishes to assume his role as a godfather for the Girl Who Lived.


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