The New Lord Black

Damien's POV:

The vote to grant the now-free Sirius Black ten thousand Galleons as compensation had passed. Everyone knew this money was just chump change for the Black family. However, before the meeting could end, I had one last task. Clearing my throat, I said, "Chief Wizengamot," drawing attention to myself. I addressed the aged headmaster, who peered at me through his glasses.

"I believe a better compensation for Sirius Black than money would be investing him as Lord Black today." Many people from other factions, and even my faction, unaware of the inside deal, looked at me in surprise that I was vocally supporting Sirius today. Murmurs of denial and agreement filled the room.

Sirius appeared surprised as well. 'Bastard,' I thought as if this wasn't his plan. Why hadn't he gone to Slytherin?

"I don't think today is a good day," someone countered. "It's tradition to do it on a blessed day."

Ah, yes, investments were usually done on magically significant days. But tradition be damned, I didn't want to leave my daughter's fate in the Malfoys' hands. What if Lucius returned before the next opportunity and created a problem?

"I think we should ask Sirius if he wants to wait for the next time or just do it today," I suggested.

Dumbledore chimed in, "Yes, it's in Sirius's hands. So, my boy, are you ready for it?"

I resisted the urge to snort at Dumbledore's "my boy" comment, then looked at Sirius, who maintained a nonchalant air. He stood up and addressed the room.

"Lords and Ladies, let's just get the investment done today. You are all busy people, and it would be inconvenient for you to set aside your responsibilities on another day to attend to the investment of little old me. Besides, there must be a lot of backlog paperwork waiting for me; the sooner I get started, the better." He gave a signature grin, which put most of his friends and acquaintances at ease. His serious or emotionless expressions had been raising concerns among those who knew him.

With that, Dumbledore announced, "Let's do the instatement today, then. Please bring a wand for Mr. Black, as his was probably confiscated during his first false arrest."

Surprisingly, Amelia handed her wand to Sirius, who took it. A clerk then asked, "Lord Black, please come onto the podium and say your oath."

Sirius moved to the podium and announced his oath. "I, Sirius Black, Head of House Black, solemnly swear to act with honor, fairness, and integrity as required of me in my duties. So mote it be."

Dumbledore nodded. "The oath has been accepted. Welcome, Lord Black, to the Wizengamot." Similar greetings rang out for Sirius, who now had a smile on his face.

I sat down and gave a small sigh of relief. My daughter would hopefully be out of the Malfoys' reach now, and most of all, I silently hoped that Sirius would keep his promise.

(Pov End)

(Sirius' POV)

Smiling and greeting everybody, I tried to suppress my annoyance towards the fake concern and friendships everyone tried to present. But I just suppressed it, lest they think I am antagonizing them. I took keen note of people who didn't personally come, mostly those from the dark and neutral factions. Some came, but they were still minor houses.

Which faction should I join? I thought while busily greeting everyone. I can't join the light, as it's already in Dumbledore's pocket. The neutral faction has its own problems, so the only one left is the dark faction. Now empty of Malfoy's influence.

I snorted at the thought. Taking everything from Malfoy would be another reason to take that despicable man out. I saw Dumbledore approaching from the corner of my eye. That's when I cut the greeting short.

"Excuse me; I still need to discuss with Lady Bones about my wand. I will be holding a ball and will send an invite." Quickly turning around, I left, and a perplexed Amelia followed me.

As much as I wanted to be on good terms with Dumbledore, I didn't want to have a discussion with him. He might ask why I didn't go to him the first time I escaped or where I was when I captured Peter. And most of all, if he asks me about Rose's arrangement. I wanted to stall meeting with him as much as possible.

Reaching the door of the head of the Law Enforcement magical department, Amelia finally regained her composure and opened the door. As soon as we were alone inside the room, Amelia's regained composure crumbled, and nervousness started creeping into her.

Taking a moment to see the beauty in front of me, I was somewhat lost for words. Here was a beautiful and powerful lady begging for my forgiveness, and I could ask for anything but my tongue to regain clarity of mind and stop some dark thoughts from coming up.

'In time,' I chastised myself.

"Amelia," I said, breaking the silence. That helped her regain her bearings. She stared at me through her monocle.

"Cute," I thought.

"I am willing to let bygones be bygones, but I at least want some semblance of trust from you. After this, maybe we can work things out."

The delight was visible in her eyes, but some angst, too, as I wasn't trusting her. "What do you want?"

"First, I want an oath not to talk about this outside the room."

"No, Sirius. I mean, really, an oath? Can't you trust me? Yes, I messed up, but you also didn't tell me or anyone about your innocence."

"Okay," I cut her off and turned around to leave.

"Wait, where are you going? Why are you being so heartless?" She grabbed my arm.

"Living in a cold jail for years makes you a cold bastard."

"What then? Are you just going to leave, be done with it?"

"Yeah, I can't really leave my safety on a flimsy trust that left me to rot in prison."

She had her wand out, crackling with magic. My arms under the sleeve flexed, my magic becoming agitated, ready to defend and attack. We stared at each other for a few seconds before she gave me a bitter smile. "I swear on my magic that whatever talk I have with Sirius Black in this room will remain a secret with me, so mote it be."

Her wand glowed with magic. She lowered her wand, still having a melancholic look on her face. "So talk now," she said in a bitter tone.

"I need your help in creating an identity for a branch member of the Lestrange family. She's a female."

She looked at me like I was dumb for making her take an oath for such a small thing. "That's easy. I mean, is she related by blood to the Lestrange family?"

I sheepishly said, "Ah, see, that's the problem. She can become a lady of the Lestrange family, but she's not blood-related. She married into the Lestrange family. She's a Black by blood."

Her face morphs into confusion before shock hits her like a train. "Fuck," she swears. "Bellatrix, she's alive and by your side."

Her wand, previously lowered, is back in her hand. I quickly put my hand up while readying a shield and placating her. "It's not what it looks like."

Her stare turns deadly. "Explain."

"Okay, it is what it looks like. I needed her help with dealing with Malfoy."

She shouts, "Wait, that whole Malfoy thing was your doing? Merlin, Sirius, what's wrong with you, killing people, scheming to get a poor girl tortured just for your personal gain? Are you sick in the head?"

I mean, I was a mercenary before. I killed people for money in my old life.

Maybe I was sick, but considering how psychos are treated, I put on a sad face. "Then what was I supposed to do? Tell me, with all the power you have in the Ministry, would you be able to get me freedom without anyone interfering? Tell me, I swear I'll turn myself in right now."

She opens her mouth to speak but slowly turns her head away. I get really close to her, where I can feel her breath. I whisper, "I just want to live. I'm scared to be thrown back into prison. Please, Amy."

She shudders slightly at the nickname. I take my hand and caress her face; she leans into my hand. I whisper again, "Please."

She then says, "But if she has done her work, we can arrest her and throw her back."

I had considered it before or even killing Bellatrix, as she knows many of my secrets, like rituals and sacrifices, which would send me to be thrown through the veil. Not even Amelia would forgive me. But she was and is instrumental, even going so far as to betray Voldemort's Horcrux, bringing Barty to die. And with how different this universe is from canon, I really need her for intelligence gathering. So even if she's a crazy bitch, now she's my crazy bitch.

Still, this reason won't work on Amelia, so I say genuinely, "She's changed, Amelia, and how would it affect my honor to betray someone who trusted me and betrayed their own, especially a family head?"

She pushes my hand away. "Then what about me? Am I not betraying my duty as law enforcement by not arresting her?"

I sigh. "Then what about me? Will you arrest me? I also killed people in the Malfoy's facility."

She stares at me and hesitates multiple times. I was testing her. I mean, if she really tried to arrest me, I was close enough for a physical knockout with a punch and then an Obliviation spell. Or if she dodged, I already had a Portkey ready for the States.

Her shoulders slump in defeat. "Only one time, Sirius, only one time. If there's more, I promise I will arrest you myself."

If I don't corrupt you by then, how can I get my own Minister?

Now, time for a reward.

I leaned forward and cupped her face, noticing her freeze momentarily. I leaned in, waiting for a refusal or any sign of her saying no, but when I didn't get any, I captured her lips. Instead of remaining frozen, she answered with fervor, so much that I was shocked.

She grabbed my hair, and her tongue delved into my mouth, trying to trace every inch. Not to be outdone, I answered back and soon pushed her tongue back into her mouth.

I pulled back, looking at her flushed face. She was gasping for air while having half-lidded eyes.

Making our foreheads touch, I stated my request, "So, the new identity is for a branch in Bulgaria."

She just nodded before going in for a second kiss, which I reciprocated and then pushed back. I had to make her wait.

"Write to me when you're done. I'll look into how to get the new identity registered with the goblins."

With that, I left Amelia's office.


Well there's that,

Guys, I JUST NOTICED that there is a freaking tag Ntr and Cucoldy in the webnovel tags. WTF. Not to kink shame but damn. Well, as Max Holloway said, "it is what it is."

I am picking up my grind and stockpiling a lot of chapters now. Again, I want to be like a few favorite writers of mine and upload daily.

As for this fanfic, I noticed a lot of you have problems with age things. Like at the start, my idea was a Sirius SI who was banging everybody. It's like just a smut. I don't know if any of you have read Mutually Satisfactory Arrangement by Cambrian Beckett. It's a smut story of a grown 40-year-old Harry Potter banging every chick, from even his daughter to Molly Weasley. So my template was that, but I slowly just started focusing more eon the plot, and here we are.

So now I scrapped my original plan and downsized this fanfic, and hopefully end it it a 100 or even less. Originally I was aiming for 150+

I have a new idea for a new hp fic. Don't worry, I will complete this first. And yes, I will make Hogwarts start at age 11.

Yeah and the Riser story, I uploaded it. So check it.

And finally advance chapters
