Chapter 46

You said that it was just sex."

"It was."

He let her go and she made her way to her room. He still had the power to hurt her with those simple words.

Dinner time came and she was seated opposite him. The air was very tense. She had nothing to say to him.

"Are you still mad at me?"

"No Chase, I'm not. I don't have anything to say to you."

"I see, so you're mad."

"You know what? Everything in my life does not revolve around you. I want us to capture whoever is behind this."

"You want to leave that badly?"

"Yes, I can't wait."

"Fine, I will have to upgrade the security and when that is done, you may leave."

He walked away and left her there. She felt a sharp pain in her heart and went to her room. After a week, she was ready to go back to her place.

Chase was not there, and she left. Part of her had hoped that he would ask her to stay, but he did not. She had not seen him the past week at all, after their chat about her wanting to leave.

She finally went back to her place,

Storm sat on her bed and tonight, they were going to have a triple date, Meghan and Paige had wanted to cheer her up.

So tonight there was no mopping. They arrived and as soon as Jeremy saw her, his eyes glinted with excitement.

He hugged her, and she hugged him back. They sat down and had fun after hitting the club, then they made their way back.

Days went by and days went to weeks. She and Jeremy went out often, and he treated her very well. Not thinking about Chase was easy, and she had not seen him at all.

Now, she sat with Jeremy on her porch, and he seemed to be nervous as he took out a bracelet.

"I got these for us."

It was beautiful, and he put it on her wrist and smiled. "This is thoughtful of you." She kissed him, but he still was nervous.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

She was caught off guard by his question. As she was about to answer, he added, "I want you to think about it so that you're sure you want to be with me."


They got up and started to make their way to Jeremy's place. She did not need to be worried anymore as they had alarms.

"Are you sure you're going to be fine alone?"

"Yes, I'm sure."

She kissed him goodbye and went to the store. After getting some alcohol, she went to the waterfall and drank.

Her mind was racing. Why had she not cut Jeremy off and accepted his request? Was she also in doubt?

Was he hurt by her not enforcing it and confirming that she wanted to be with him? Her cheeks were warm as she lay back down.

Jeremy had not deserved this, and tomorrow she would accept his request. She looked at the bracelet he had gotten her and smiled.

She relaxed. It was nice, and she wondered if she should show Jeremy this place, but it was her secret hideout.

Storm jumped awake when she heard a splash in the water and there was Chase swimming. Was this a dream?

Why would she dream about him after all this time? The alcohol had to be making her hallucinate.

"No Storm, think of Jeremy."

She grabbed the bottle and drank some more.

"Why would you think of Jeremy when it's me in front of you?"

It was Chase who sat in front of her.

"You're not here, you're not here."

She gulped down some more alcohol and rubbed her eyes aggressively. "Son of a bitch decides to haunt me now of all times."

"Why are you swearing at me?"

"You should not be here."

"How can I not be, besides I found this place way before you?"

"So what? It does not have your name on it."

"I know that."

"Jeez, now I'm arguing with a figment of my imagination."