Chapter 49

They got to his place, and she went to her room; it was a bit awkward after the hug, but after unpacking her things, she lay in bed.

What did those people want from her, and what power did she have? Did they know her? She tossed and turned a bit.

The conversation and the hug kept on creeping in. She grabbed her phone and texted Jeremy that she would see him tomorrow during lunch.

Storm wanted to let him know that she wanted to be his girlfriend. There was a light knock on her door, "Come in."

Chase walked in. "Are you going to say yes?"

"I'm not getting you?"

"To Jeremy?"

"Yes, it's not like you want me."

"Okay, he is good for you and reliable."

"You were all those things for me, Chase."

"I know, but I'm not as steady as him."

"You were, and even now, you come out and protect me whenever I'm in danger and you make sure that I'm safe even now."

"I will always be there for you, no matter the cost."

"I missed being in your arms."

Days had gone by and the night with Chase was forgotten and put behind. Now she stayed in her room all the time.

Today Chase was not here but she could stay here as his place had high security, so she decided to make dinner.

Now for Chase to come back so that could dish up. She went to her room and when the door opened, they were voices.

She came out of her room and there stood a gorgeous girl, with black hair, and black eyes to compliment her.

"Who is this?" Her tone also was one of a siren if they existed.

"Storm, this is my fiancé Kelsey."

She felt the wind get knocked off her and could not believe what she had heard.

"Hey Storm, a pleasure to meet you."

"You too Kelsey."

"Let's have dinner then."

They all sat at the table. She was barely eating and not saying much,

"I heard you are having trouble, Chase told me."

"Yes, very strange, and the sooner we catch them, the better."

"So you can't hide out by your cabin?"

"I can, maybe........"

Chase cut her off, "You're not going anywhere. I need to know at all times where you want."

"As I will be living here, then I can watch her and you can carry on with the tasks that need to be done," Kelsey replied and her response made it seem as if she was childish and that she could not defend herself.

"Excuse me, have a good night both of you."

"You're already leaving? I wanted to get to know you better, to see who is keeping my fiancé so worried."

"I'm just tired, that is all, but we can catch up later."

She did not wait for a response and went into her room. She shut the door, and let out a huge breath.

What was wrong with her? She was going to agree to be Jeremy's girlfriend, so why was she mulling over Chase?

All the signals he gave her were very complicated. Now she saw why he broke up with her or else he would have ended up cheating on the both of them.

Laughter rang outside, she texted in her group chat and told Paige and Meghan what was going on, but there was no response.

Her phone beeped, and she smiled. Her friends were outside. They knew the code and now was the time that she needed them the most.

She started to dash out,

"Where are you going?"

Storm turned to Chase, "My friends are here and we won't leave but sit outside."


She went outside and there was Meghan and Paige. She ran to her friends. Her throat closed, they knew that she needed them and they came in person.

They both spotted her and she could see that they knew that she was going through it. She ran to them and they opened their arms.

A few days ago, Chase was holding her in a tight embrace and how he would kill for her but now he had someone else.

He brought her here knowing that she would be here and she would be hurt, but he still carried on with it. Did she even matter to him?