New house

I got home after the long drive and went straight to my room to avoid running into mum or dad because I can't even explain what happened in that party.

I got to my room and meet a lady who was short and round in shape

don't you know how to knock

I couldn't believe what I just heard did she just ask me to knock before I entering my own room

get out I shouted

you don't have manners, come and carry me out she replied in a hash manner.

uncle joffie quickly notice what was happening here and came and explained to the lady that I am the one she will be working for.

I just left them there and went to mum study room I didn't knock because I was so angry

mum who is that lady in my room and where is aunt jeal?

mum looked up from her book and look down like she didn't see me

Miss Sophia that lady is your new Nanny cruella and for your sweet aunt jeal I fired her because she wasn't doing her job right

what do you mean by that ?

if she was doing her job right you won't be home on this very day

I couldn't bear this anymore I just walked back to my room I was so greatful that the round lady was gone.

I laid down on my bed enjoying every part of it indeed have missed this room there is no other place like home I got carried away by the softness of the bed and slept off.

the round lady came to wake me up for dinner

who wakes a child up by pouring water on them I shouted at her as I stood up

your food is ready, your parents are waiting for you in the dining room then she left.

I so much hate this lady .

I was still on my uniform so i quickly freshen up and came downstairs for dinner.

As always mum behaved like I wasn't there while dad hugged me it was written all over his face that he was happy to have me home. after the delicious dinner I went back to my room and was on my phone just laughing at so jokes on Instagram when I receive a call from Isabella not to be rude I answered it


hello Sophia

what do you what ?

well I called to check on you to see how your suspension is going

she laughed in her evil way

has you can see moving the camera so she could see my room am doing great... she interrupted

and that not the only thing I called for

what else again Isabella speak up I have things to do

she turned her camera facing Liam who was making out with Nana

that is our latest couple in school

how could Liam, it's not up to a day I left school and is already making out with another girl

then the rest of the group came towards the camera. Jerusalem then spoke sweet sweet sweet Sophia I can't say we are sorry but we called just to let you know that everything that happened was planned by us Liam never liked you he and nana had been madly in love with each other.

I wanted to burst out in tears but I held myself back I can't cry in front of this people

why did you do this then?

they brought a guy the same guy I saw in the shopping mall who happens to be Nana date that night.

Sophie dearie this guy here happen to be Isabella senior brother that you embarrassed in middle school the one that you told the full school that his gay because he propose his love to you

I remembered but that was not what happened he wanted to rape me so I decided to teach him a lesson by spreading false rumors

Sophia dearie I have taken my revenge the guy finally spoke and they ended the call.

I covered my face with my pillow how could this be happening to me.


A shout-out woke me up the next morning it was mum I ran downstairs to answer when I saw everybody staring at the television I looked it's done to me that the video of that day has gone viral the reporter was interviewing the student at my school and it was Liam turn

interviewer said to him why did you video this on that night

am sorry ma, the video was just meant for fun

I was boiling in rage just meant for fun continue ringing in my head they destroy my reputation, my life and they say it's just for fun.

am sorry Sophia Ellison he said I didn't mean for it to reach this extend

I ran back to my room about to start another marathon of tears

Sophia mum called out pack your bags we are moving.

mum did you just say moving!!!!

Sophia don't let me repeat myself and she left the house

Liam Liam I shouted I hate you so much crying as I made by my way upstairs.

By noon mum came back with dad and a moving company I ran to hug dad but he didn't look happy I felt it he had this disappointing look on him

dad are we really moving?

yes he replied me in a cool manner

but dad I don't want to move

he finally let the anger take the best of him he shouted Sophia none of us want to move but you are the reason for this, do you think it's easy to raise a girl child, I told you not to drink at parties, I give you rules Sophia but for once did you ever listen to me and now you're telling me you don't want to move,Sofia Alexia Ellison don't provoke me more, pack your bags and let leave.

This was the first time my dad ever shouted at me, is my offence that big? I asked myself Liam also has to suffer it I must seek my revenge.

I ask with tears in my eyes dad am I also going to change school

no Sophia mum shouted, I want you to see it has a punishment you are going to go though humiliation and shame so the next time you go for a party you will remember not to drink.

did mum just say no so after my suspension I am going to face those people again the whole school already hate me, people will laugh at me this is too much

I knelt down and begged but it was all just a waste of energy.

After an hour drive we arrive in the new mansion it wasn't that different from our previous house. the house had many rooms so I picked the room that had a door leading to outside of the house. the room had a beautiful view. close to the house was a lake with a small bridge. the garden was filled with mum's favourite rose this place is like a mini Heaven. I sat at the alley observing nature when dad walked in I was angry at him so I didn't turn to greet him. he came towards my direction I could feel his presence he was right behind me

Sophia he called out

I didn't answer

he touches my shoulder and kiss me on my face

I shouted dad stop am no longer your little baby

you are he said in a playful way you are still under my roof

I laughed.

he held my hands Sophia you know that me and your mum love you

I chocked trying to avoid laughing.i can believe if you say you love me but not that woman

that woman is your mother sophia.

yes I know

and we only want the best for you he continues the video that got link out affected us more than it affected you

that why we decided for a change of house to hide from the press for the main time.

how did that silly video affect you

Sophia you are my legacy and your reputation is the reputation of the business so if you are caught on camera acting stupid..... I interpreted

so my life is what controls the Ellison companies

yes, kinda off

so dad am I still going back to my school

yes you are darling that the best punishment we can give you.

he left to his room

I sat there thinking on how am going to cope because I know that Isabella and Liam will stop at nothing to destroy me so now I have to be strong and watch my step carefully to avoid falling into any trap or taking the Ellison companies name down I am the future I said to myself.


One week and few days has gone out of my suspension so I decided to reach out to the lake I use to see from my room.

It's Saturday so I dressed up in my pink overall with a Woody cardigan I headed out towards the lake the road seemed to be complicated after walking about 25 miles I finally got to the beautiful lake I played around it like a child The water looks so bright like it had a dust or a sprinkle of magic inside. This was the first time i felt happy with myself I felt like I could do all things maybe indeed there was magic inside the lake so I started making sand castle it's also funny until I mistaking poured sand on a gentleman who was also approaching the lake he was tall about 6ft fair like the inside of a pineapple black hair curved in waves shapes and sky blue eyes he reminded of liam and he looked more handsome than liam he laughed when he realized that I was so shocked and was staring at him like I just saw a ghost as I heard his laughter and I came back from imagination world he gave me his hand to shake and said I'm Ralph bronte

I idolize the word bronte like Bronte I said like bronte the writer Emily Bronte I asked are you related to her he was like yeah kind of okay she's my mom

I shouted oh my god am a big fan of your mum's work, wow I guess this lake do have magic then he laugh so hard you do believe in magic he said sometimes when I just feel like behaving like a child I replied

okay so maybe I'll be seeing you around he said

sure I replied

he pointed at the house and said that my house over there which was the next building close to ours and he left wow what a gentleman I thought. as I sat down by the lake playing with the water.


My suspension was over and my punishment began this time around I decided to use this to my advantage since I am going to go back to Huston high school than I have to teach everyone of them a lesson starting from Liam this is going to be a huge surprise for them to see me in school well mum decided that I should be going to school from home to avoid what happened

I was so happy that this was the first time me and mum agreed on something.

I dressed up for school than cruella came to help me style my hair I went to to the car we got to school and I came down it looks like Huston high wasn't expecting me to come back after everything that happened so I have to prove to them that am stronger than just a video.

I walked though the hallway and the girls were surprised to see me I could hear some saying things like what is she still doing here after what happened I passed Isabella who was with her click I got to my locker and she came to meet me than I put on my good girl act and hugged her and kissed her on the face

Isabella I miss you and am so glad to be back and to get to see you

she was already red from being angry she smiled

Sophia what are you doing here don't you have little shame she said

well why will I be ashamed I didn't do anything wrong I was drugged by "you know how" giving her that evil smirk I left for class.