Chapter 17: Sus Shaman

Standing in front of the shaman's residence, Red reckons that it was made of readily available materials such as sticks and stones. Taking a deep breath, he bowed in the direction of the hut and declared. "This lowly one here seeks the audience of the great shaman!"

Recovering from the bow, Red's face now displayed a reverential expression similar to the one the Village Chief had when narrating about the shaman's exploit.

Sounds of movements could be heard inside as someone emerged from the wooden door. This person's body is wrapped from head to toe making it impossible to see through his appearance, if not for its exposed green hands giving away the person's race, no one would think of him as an Orc.

Red was about to open his mouth again when that person raised his hands to interrupt him. Its tone was monotonous, and the person spoke with a dull and lifeless voice "You don't have to tell me, I already know your objective for coming here. Unfortunately, you are too weak to accomplish the task that I would assign to you. Leave!"

The person's act of replying was an acknowledgment of his identity but the words it uttered were laced with contempt as it checked Red's strength. Of course, the strength here refers to Level and not attribute points, if that were the case he would be more than qualified.

Red understands this, not to mention accomplishing the task he won't even be able to leave the vicinity of the village to the location of the quest until he reaches Level 10.

How pretentious! Of course, you would know, I saw more than 10 surveillance and spying devices on the way here!!

Trying hard to control the twitching of his lips, Red showed greater respect on his face like a devout believer acknowledged by his God but instead of heeding the command of the shaman, he took something off his inventory and handed it out.

The item had a milky white appearance, long and pointed, the shaman tried to exert force on it but failed to elicit any reaction. Raising its head, the shaman examined Red once more before nodding. "The fang of a wolf king, not bad, with your strength it should have been impossible for you to acquire this."

What the shaman said may sound like he acknowledged Red's strength but in reality, he was questioning the validity of the item.

Smiling, Red thanked the shaman for the compliment but inwardly he was cursing the wily old fox. "I admit that taking down the wolf king is not an easy task, I have to expend all of my stamina and strength but even then I almost lost my life."

Noticing nothing strange about the red-braided Orc in front of him, the shaman took out three things from his sleeves.

Just as Red reached out his hands to receive them, a notification sounded in his head informing him of a new available quest.

Red wasn't in a hurry to read it, he didn't want to risk the possibility of the favorability of the shaman decreasing. The most important task now was to examine the three items presented to him, furthermore, it's not as if the notifications would run anyway.

The first item resembles a tong used by blacksmiths to hold and transport hot materials in the process of forging, clearly the thing that the shaman tasked Red to retrieve was similar.

There is also an unadorned full-body suit woven from cotton. Despite the ordinary materials used the actual clothing is shining with an unnatural sheen. Red reckoned that it was caused by the chemical substance mixed on it to make the suit fireproof.

The last item that the shaman provided for him had a circular body that narrows from the neck and is flat by the time it reaches the head where a circular ring is dangling. Its exterior was smooth and cold to the touch, weighing it in his hands Red could tell that it was hollowed and that two-thirds of the space inside it was filled with an unknown substance.

Noticing Red's gaze that lingered on the third item, the shaman explained with his never changing tone. "This magical ball contained a very destructive explosion spell. Pulling the ring on top of it would activate the spell but you don't have to worry as it would only explode once it hit something."

Afterward, the shaman also explained the use of the first and second items which were in line with what Red had in mind.

Red praised and praised and thanked the shaman till his mouth ran dry but all of it was worth it since he gained what he wanted from this trip.

Now his priority is to quickly reach level 10 and for that, he needs a ton of EXP.