Cum Toy

In the silence of the night, when the world was still and babies were asleep, Raziel lay wide awake on her bed, unmoving and staring at the ceiling. The light in her room was on, brightening up the room and intending to drive away her nightmares and the images in her head, but despite the brightness of the night, it did little or nothing to curb her fright. The sound of the crickets and frogs outside her window made matters worse. Like hell, they should just keep quiet. She was trying her best to try and sleep, yet they were making those scary noises. These creatures are really something else.

"Alright, since I can't sleep, I'll go find what will keep me company," She decided. Raziel tiptoed out of her bed and to the door quietly like an assassin. She turned the door handle and slightly opened it. She peered left and right like an amateur thief and counted each footstep, making sure not to walk too quickly. Raziel looked into Rani's room which was the little room next to hers and her door was opened wide. "Oh, so Rani finally slept?" She walked extra carefully. The primary reason was that she doesn't want to startle Rani awake with disappearing footsteps. She would scream bloody murder and start looking around for the vampire creatures that she was scared of.

Raziel tiptoed to May's room and spied through the little hole in the door to see if May was awake or not. Luckily for her, May was fast asleep and she could hear her deep snores from where she was standing, outside the door. she slightly opened the door and skipped her way to the large bookshelf at the other end of the room. Thank Goodness May always sleep with her light on. Raziel randomly retrieved a book from the bottom row. May has always been a lover of romance books and she was sure the one she picked was a romance book if not erotica.

If she ever finds out that Raziel took one of her books, then hell would be let loose. She just hopes May doesn't count them like she usually does every day. Yes, she cherishes little things like that. Back then in the forest, her aunt would secretly bring some books for them and May would quickly pick out the romance books. Speaking of her aunt, she had heard from her mother some days ago that she had died some years back. No wonder she stopped visiting.

Raziel tiptoed out of the room and back to hers. "Ouch." She hissed in pain after her big toe hit a chair. She suppressed a groan and rushed back to her bed. After some while, Raziel excitedly yanked the blankets over her legs and rest her back on the headboard. Now, she was in a comfortable position. She reached for the drawer and tugged it open. Making sure to be smart and quiet, making sure not to wake anyone. "Finally," she breathed, pulling out a tiny two piece ball shaped tool with a long string. She readjusted herself into a more comfortable position and once satisfied, she placed the noise-blocking earplug into her ears before she held the book. It was going to be another sleepless night.


The king watched the girl from outside. She was so foolish. Who had let her sleep this insecurely? The tall window of her balcony was slightly opened and the curtains were also opened. He could land on the balcony leading to her room, and kidnap her into his world, right then and there. Hmm, it was a tempting thought. It would be a shame if someone else had come here and stolen his prey away from him. The tree he was sitting on, wasn't so strong, and his sour mood would worsen if the branch under his feet broke. It would definitely alert the guards and everyone like the little girl who was oblivious to her current surrounding.

"How could she be so dense," he muttered. She needs sense. Who places their bed close to their balcony window? Sigh!

Valhoon noticed the boring night sky and the natural wind. Was that why? So she could sit on her bed and observe the beautiful skin of nature? Thus lewd action of hers could lead to something else. She might get kidnapped or worse, killed. She was the naive type. He knew that best. She was so naive to the point of cutting her wrist all in the name of experimenting. That story of hers was unbelievable, but he believed her. After all...

"What! Is that a cum toy?" He mused. His brows drew together as he stared at her with consecration. There was a two-piece ball-shaped thing in her hands and from how she quietly took it from her drawer, he could only guess she was reading smut. He chuckled. Here he was thinking she was an innocent prey who doesn't know much about these things. Not like he cared though. It was going to be more fun.

Valhoon silently swooshed in the air and landed lightly on her balcony. He rubbed his palms together and smirked. "it's like she would be needing me for the night," he said. Just a step was taken before he froze and frown in confusion. He saw that she suddenly places the two-piece ball-shaped thing on her ears. Much to his disappointment, it was not a pleasure ball like he thought it was, it was simply a noise blocking ear plug. Damn!

He observed her a little longer and he wondered why he was there. This was unlike him, to stalk a fragile being and sit on a tree, just to watch her.

He wanted her. Patience was the virtue he surprisingly doesn't have access to. Everything and every organ of his body wanted to possess her. The next time she would be in his domain, he wouldn't let her leave. Raziel Crayon belongs to him only. Nothing would stop him from having her, not even that pointlessly prophesy. Now that he finally found an interesting prey, he was going to possess her every being.