Attitude is a small thing that makes a big difference, have the right attitude....
Parker hurried into Ellie's hospital room wondering what all the noise and commotion was about, bracing for the worst, he pushed the door back rather abruptly. Five set of eyes flew to him, one agitated and the others relieved.
He breathed a sigh of relief when he realized she wasn't in any major problems, but that didn't explain why she was angry. "What's wrong, Ellie."
"I want to go home." She stated, eyeing the nurse who was going through her charts. "I've given the statement, now I want to go home."
Parker looked confused, he was here to take her home, so he didn't know what all the fuss was about. "Yeah, we'll get you home soon. Once the Doctor gives you the all clear, that is." He exchanged a look with the doctor who now looked amused.
"She's all okay, all she needs are her pain relievers and the crutches." He pointed them out where they were resting against the bed.
"So what's the problem?" Parker sighed.
"She doesn't want to use the wheel chair or the crutches."
"I'm not a fucking helpless person. I'm going to walk out of here, on my own feet, limping or not." Ellie was furious.
Parker loved how stubborn she could be, especially when it wasn't warranted. It annoyed him to bits, but it was one of the traits he loved about her. He cast a glance to her leg, there was no way she could be on her feet for long. The only way she could agree was if she tried and failed. "Fine. I'll give you a hand."
"But sir-" One of the nurses tried protesting, Parker gave her his infamous glare. He recognized her as the one who had tried stopping him the other day at information.
"We'll be fine." He assured the doctor.
Ellie smiled warmly at him, the warmth striking a chord deep down in his heart. There was nothing he enjoyed as much as playing super hero for her, he'd do anything to get her to smile. Even if it meant proving she needed the crutches and chair.
"Come on, I hate hospitals." Ellie dragged her leg towards the edge of the bed. Parker, the doctor and the three nurses present rushed to her side. She shot them a withering look, Parker had to chuckle. Gingerly, she placed her good leg on the floor, then the other followed. She grinned up at Parker again. "See, I'm okay. I just have to take baby steps."
"Yeah, baby steps." Parker nodded, helping her out of the bed. He placed an arm around her waist, her hands went around his neck, and he was almost lifting her away from the floor, making sure she was putting the barest of pressure on her leg.
They made it out of the door, down the hallway and was almost in the elevator when she collapsed against him. Parker picked her up, cradling her head in the front of his shirt where she was quietly sobbing.
"I hate being such a baby. This week's been so messy, and I hate that you got dragged into it." She muttered.
How could he explain to her that he wanted her to include him in every aspect of her life? That he wanted to be by her side through every thick and thin, through all the laughter and tears. That he wanted to know if she even nicked her fingers while getting a manicure. He felt all those emotions choking him, forming a large ball in his throat. He was glad she couldn't see him now, especially now that his turbulent emotions were probably written in his expression. He couldn't tell her all these things, so he rolled them into the kiss he placed on her forehead. "I've got you baby."
She stiffened at the endearment, but relaxed immediately. Parker sighed, she probably chalked it up to their close friendship and something of the moment.
"I've got snot all over your shirt." She muttered.
"It will wash."
They were silent for the rest of the trip towards the lobby where Parker signed the release form and muttered a thank you to the nurse stationed there. Thankfully it wasn't the nurse he had run into the day before.
The desk nurse sighed, placing a hand on her chest. "You're just so sweet, take care of her now, will you?"
"Flirt." Ellie muttered against his chest and Parker laughed. The supposed flirt was a very much older woman, old enough to be his mother. If he didn't know Ellie, he would have thought she was jealous since she couldn't see the other woman. But he knew it was just harmless teasing, the usual banter between friends.
When Parker settled her in the car and had fastened his own seat, he finally asked the question that had been bugging him. "What happened that day?"
Ellie shrugged. "I was feeling low, then after that talk with Jimmy, I wanted to be alone. To process everything that happened."
"You don't think Jimmy-" He looked at her for confirmation. He really needed a person to pin his rage on, all the police was saying was that it was just an accident, none of the ties they had found had panned out.
"He wouldn't. Besides, it's not as if he knew I would confront him."
"What exactly did he say to you, Ellie?"
"I don't want to talk about it. I just want to go to bed and forget this awful week."
Parker's grip on the steering wheel tightened. "Whatever you're not telling me might be just what we need, Ellie. But I won't press, I'll be waiting for whenever you'll be ready."
"What did the police get from the mechanic workshop?"
"They said your brake lines were cut, when they checked where you got your car looked at, the kid said he forgot to look at the brake lines. He apologized, said it wasn't his fault. The police said you should be careful next time."
Ellie dropped her head into her palms. "I know its my fault, I'll be careful next time. I just wasn't thinking when I left the office." She looked up, staring at the road in front. "But that can't be all. I'm very positive my car was in good condition."
Parker placed his hand on her thigh, rubbing it in soothing notions. "I've hired a private investigator, we'll get to the bottom of this. I promise you, baby."
She inhaled and exhaled. "Baby? Really is this how you woo them now?"
"Shut up, Parks. You're just jealous I'm not trying to woo you. Seriously though, woo?"
"In your dreams, honey." Ellie muttered. She covered his hands with hers then sighed. "Wake me when we're home?" She yawned.
Home. Strange how that felt oddly comforting, Parker mused.