
Be so good at whatever you do that you can't help but be noticed...


"Parker, come on, you can't make me stay in bed all day," Ellie whined. The last few hours after she had fallen flat out on the floor, Parker had tucked her into bed, and remained sentry at her bedside, newspaper in hand.

She had gotten tired of him watching her pretending to sleep, and she was tired of imagining how Parker's arms would feel around her once again. Ellie groaned internally, wondering when she had become such a hormone driven bitch, staying under the same roof with him for so long was telling on her resistance level.

Usually, he had been a few minutes drive away from her house, and she regarded him as eye candy, only to be seen and admired, but not touched. But now they were under the same roof, and it was only a matter of weeks, maybe days till when she'd finally give in and jump Parker's bones. Her best friend's bones.

"Earth to Ellie," Parker snapped a finger in front of her, and she jumped. "I wonder what you were thinking about that occupied you so, care to share?"

You, Ellie thought, then shook her head. "Nah, its nothing."

"I ordered pizza, is there anything I can do for you while we wait? I'm tired of reading this magazine." Parker dropped said magazine on the nightstand, took of his reading glasses, then rubbed underneath his eyes. Ellie wondered if his eyes were still giving him problems, she had assumed he dumped his glasses after college.

"You still use the glasses?" she asked, concern lacing her voice.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, sometimes. So, what can I do for you, Mistress?"

Ellie angled her head, as though she were thinking, her eyes narrowed a little. "If you must know, my shoulder aches, would you be a dear and massage it for me?"

Parker blinked twice, before setting the newspaper on the nightstand, adjusting the picture of Ellie and himself to create space for his phone and glasses, as usual, he caressed her face on the picture, his motions didn't go unnoticed by Ellie. "If you insist, Mistress, I'll just turn you around and get on with it."

"Maybe you should get an ointment?" Ellie suggested, pushing her luck.

Parker took a moment to consider her request before nodding and walking into the bathroom. He returned a few minutes later, ointment in hand. "You, um, you've got your shirt on, if you could adjust it a bit?"

Ellie noticed his voice hitched on the last note. "I'll take it off then," she tugged off her shirt, glad she was putting on her best bra, while her eyes remained on Parker, whose gaze had riveted to the wall clock behind her. She laybback down on the bed, clearing her throat. "I'm ready."

Ellie felt the bed dip behind her as Parker climbed up, she shifted, giving him more room to work with, and then closed her eyes.

Parker seemed to hesitate for a bit, but then she felt it, the glorious feeling of Parker's warm, callused hands on her bare skin, she imagined his hands on other parts of her body and shuddered.

"Cold?" Parker asked, rubbing her back in small circles.

"A little," she soon found herself relaxing and revelling in his touch, she let out a low moan when he tugged on the straps of her bra, pulling it slightly down her shoulders.

Parker muttered something under his breath, but she was too far gone to catch on. She could feel all the tense muscles of her neck softening to his touch, all the pressure and worries of the past week began melting away under Parker's gentle ministrations.

"This is getting tricky, I think I should stop," his voice had become hoarse, and Ellie wondered if she was affecting him just the way he was affecting her.

Ellie gasped, "Stop? Why?" She turned to see a redfaced Parker. "What's getting tricky?"

"I'm a man, Ellie, surely you know what this does to men, your skin is so soft-" he trailed off, looking away from Ellie.

"Right, other men, we're best friends, its not like you could be attracted to me or something," Ellie crossed her fingers, waiting for him to say something, it was the perfect moment to admit if he felt something, anything other than friendship for her.

Parker's blush cleared almost immediately, he threw his head back and laughed, "That's insane, of course I'm not attracted to you short stuff, I was just saying."

Ellie's heart tightened again, but she put up a very bright smile, "Right."

The doorbell rang, followed by a very familiar voice in the kitchen. She wasn't sure who else apart from her had a key to Parker's house, but she had a feeling it wasn't someone she wanted to meet at the moment, or ever.

Parker excused himself and headed downstairs.

Ellie took the few minutes to put her shirt back on and then tried to calm her heart rate. Parker's hands on her back had floored her. She knew for a certain what she would be dreaming about tonight. She also had new information for her mental bank of naughty things I picture my best friend doing.

* * *


Parker hurried down the stairs, unsure what had just happened upstairs with Ellie, Ellie his best friend. One moment, he had been

massaging her soft skin, and then she'd moaned, he had tried to investigate by stopping, weighing his options, and almost as expected, Ellie had burst his bubble and his rapidly growing erection had gone limp.

Just like his mother had said, the tension between them was growing at a very fast rate, he wasn't sure how much longer he could last under it. If only Ellie would realize how he felt for her, he sighed.

Parker walked into the kitchen and came to a standstill. Joline stood there in all her naked glory. Her coat was on the floor leaving her completely naked except for a pair of red stilettoes.

She grinned emphatically at Parker, "someone is excited to see me," she drawled as her gaze latched on to his groin area, where he had not come down from the high that was Ellie. Parker immediately called up a mental picture of the video he had seen of his mother twerking, then waited for the deflation.

It didn't take long, but Joline was immediately on her knees in front of him, her lips pouted. "Where did it go? Doesn't matter, we'd get it back, are you excited to see me?"

"No," Parker ground out, taking a step back. Joline caught him in her hand before he could put much needed distance between them, she squeezed him with just the right pressure. "Stop!" He hissed, but Joline was having none of it.

"Let me apologize to you, let me beg, Parker. Don't you just love seeing me on my knees, the perfect angle for you to be buried balls deep inside my throat? I've been bad, Parker, punish me." Joline punctuated her speech with squeezes to his groin, and Parker was alarmed at the erection that was begin to rear up again.

"Stop it, Joe! This madness ends now, you need to go."

"You clearly want me here, that much I can see, and feel, and taste," Joline kissed the front of his crotch.

Parker yanked her head away and she moaned, her hands quickly fishing him out of his sweat pants and into her mouth before he could do anything else. "Oh God, stop this fucking nonsense, please."

"Mmm, touch me, Parker," Joline moaned, still fused to his crotch.

"Parker? What are you doing here?"

Parker froze at the sound of Ellie's voice, followed by the tapping of her crutches on the tiled floor as she headed into the kitchen. It was too late to do anything, because Joline was apparently lost in her world and she held onto him for dear life as he tried to pull away. There was no avoiding this, he groaned, wondering why he hadn't heard her come downstairs.

"What the fuck is happening here?" Ellie screamed, turning away so quickly that it was a wonder how she remained on her feet. "Parker Diego!" she yelled again.