
Standing next to the window was Samaira, her blonde hair released single strands from the bun they had been tied into, as little breeze came to hit her every once in a while.

Just like the quiet of the breeze, her facial expressions were peaceful, not a single brow on her face was furrowed. Yet her heart was in disarray, her mind in turmoil.

' I will marry you',

She remembered those words very clearly, because she had said them not too long ago back when she was in the Throne room. She, Samaira Roberts had actually agreed to marry the King, an older man, sigh.

She did have no other choice, it happened to be the only way for her Papa to not go through the trouble of losing his title, a title that had been transferred down from generations to generations.

Ever felt lost and helpless with no idea on how to move on, feeling so wronged but at the same time right, Lord the feeling was heart wrenching.

She stared a little longer out the window, at this rate her eye sight had adjusted to the bright rays of the sun and from where she stood she could see the huge castle gates.

Not too far from it were two noble carriages getting ready to leave, It was the Duke of the South's ride, him and his family were probably leaving the Castle... just like hers had left a long time ago.

She heard the doors to the room she was currently in open but she barely bothered to turn around and check who it was. If anything, she did not even wish to see anyone as it was best they all left her to be.

" Samaira", a soft feminine voice called out to her and she turned immediately.

" Lynne", she replied a bit shocked but what caught her attention was how the room had suddenly darkened, so not in comparison to the bright light coming from outside. Just how long had she been staring at the sun?

She blinked her eyes a little so she could adjust herself to the light in the room whilst hearing Lynne sigh deeply.

" I'm really sorry for all that has happened", Lynnette started softly, staring at Sam who had finally regained her normal sight.

Sam stared at Lynnette's truthful eyes which held some kind of apologetic look in them but all she could do was turn away because it only made her feel like crying and she did not wish to cry.

She had managed to stay calm when she made the decision of marrying the King and she had also been able to stop herself from crying when the only people she knew left the castle to prepare for her wedding, she would not cry now.

" Sam, I...", Lynnette started once again only to be cut short by Sam's hurried words and a wave of her hand indifferently.

" You do not have to be sorry for me, what is done is done", Sam spoke hurriedly as she turned away from Lynnette, back to staring out the window once again.

She was afraid she would cry in front of Lynne If she spoke more and she did not wish to come off as weak or let anyone see that she wasn't actually alright.

" You know.... you can speak to me right? At least I know we share such a bond strong enough for you to let me in.... on what you feel", Lynne said encouragingly but her voice came out shaky causing Sam to tear up unwillingly but she immediately blinked them back not bothering to turn towards Lynne.

" Good Lord, Samaira, Say something... scream, scream as loudly as you can, tell me that you are not even happy, please let us share this pain together", Lynnette voiced out in a yelling manner, but Samaira did not bother to turn to her instead she just remained glued to the window, her eyes filled with uncontrollable tears.

" Sam...?", Lynnette called out to her but was immediately cut short by Sam's uncaring words.

" You may leave Lynnette... Your papa is waiting for you", Sam exclaimed, she discreetly lifted her hand to her face and with the cover of the flying curtains due to the breeze, she wiped her tear stained cheeks dry.

"But Sam...", Lynnette stated again only to hear Sam order her to leave, and this time coldly. She was left to think if Sam was annoyed with her over proving her theories from last night wrong. Could that be the case?

She stood there in silence thinking things over and over again while Sam inwardly refused to turn around. She wasn't sure how she looked at the moment and she did not want Lynnette to see she was actually affected.

She did all this for the sake of her Papa and she was proud that she could for once help him out like those times he had helped her get away from her scoldings during childhood. She only felt bad because the decision she took had affected her in all corners.

Lynne suddenly moved but not towards the door, towards Sam instead but before Sam could realize she had grabbed Sam by the arm and turned her so thy were both facing each other.

Sam stared at her a bit surprised that she would do that. But before she could even say something or at least turn away, Lynnette drew her into a warm embrace.

Now that wasn't expected, yet instead of retreating, Sam found herself leaning into Lynnette's warm embrace.

" Everything will be fine", Lynne stated softly as she patted Sam's back like an older caring sister. It made Samaira suddenly miss her First sister Eleonora, only she could make her feel like this, this safe.

She didn't know when she suddenly burst into tears, letting all her fears, angst and helplessness flow out from her system.

She withdrew from the embrace and stared at Lynnette with tear stained cheeks. Wiping her tears hurriedly like a small child, she pursed her lips wanting to speak but before she could say anything, hurried footsteps suddenly reach their hearing.

They turned towards the door which Lynnette had not closed on her arrival only to come face to face with Lynnette's mama who was accompanied by two sturdy guards.

" Duchess Rollins", Sam greeted from where she stood while Lynnette hurried over to her mama.

The plump average height woman stared at Sam with a simple smile on her face. She was dressed in a royal blue colored gown and her black raven hair which Lynne had inherited was left to flow like waves on her shoulders.

" Take care Samaira", she said with a sweet voice in which Sam only offered a forced smile to.

She watched Lynnette leave with her Mama in the company of the two guards who closed the doors to the room as they left.

Sam stared at the empty room with a solemn look on her face, now she was truly alone. Walter was gone, her Papa and Mama were gone, everyone had left according to the wishes of the King only she stayed behind.

*****Prince Dino's Study Room*****

The doors to the study room was pushed open as Niklaus the red haired man walked in with a little arrogance holding a tied up scroll on his ink stained hands.

He threw the scroll on the table causing it to land at the center, right at the spot where Dino was busy going through other scrolls.

Dino looked up at him with questioning brows but he only shrugged as he sat down carefully on another chair. The table in the middle being the only thing that separated them from each other.

With a sigh, Dino picked up the scroll and loosened it from his binds before opening and then proceeding to read it.

He had expected to find something that related to Gael Kingdom as usual but instead he found words written in bold yet with terrible handwriting which definitely belonged to Nik.


With a sigh, he relaxed into his seat staring at the paper, then at Niklaus waiting for him to proceed.

" The King is doing something wrong", Nik stated boldly, staring straight into Dino's grey orbs.

Dino held his gaze and with a calm clear voice stated, " I know", he muttered before assuming his former sitting posture and pushing Niklaus scroll aside.

" You KNOW??....You know and you are doing absolutely nothing about it", Niklaus almost yelled as he stood up from his seat, sending questioning gazes at Dino who had now refocused his gaze on him.

But before Dino could answer, someone walked into the Study. " He should do nothing about it Niklaus", spoke a very calm voice which belonged to Young Duke Phillip, the Duke of the East.

Niklaus turned around as he glared at the figure who stood by the door looking all smart and noble. Duke Phillip was the husband of Princess Amelia and the father of the new born child.

He finally moved further into the room making sure to nod in acknowledgment to Dino first before holding Nik's unwavering gaze.

" Look who decided to show up.... uninvited", Niklaus stated with an irritated voice as he sat back in his chair. He never liked Duke Phillip, and the feeling was mutual so Dino never interfered.

" Invited or not... I believe I can say a word or two concerning the King's sudden proposal to Alfred's daughter", exclaimed Phillip in a nonchalant manner causing Niklaus to roll his eyes.

And there it was..., thought Niklaus inwardly. The arrogance, just because he was made Duke at such a young age, he now believed he was somewhat wiser and mature.

" And what could you possibly say... in fact, no one even asked for your opinion on the matter Phillip... so why don't you go look for your wife like you came here to do hmm?" Nik asked impatiently with a voice that said he was clearly chasing Phillip away.

But Phillip only chuckled as though he was watching a child perform irritating Nik in the process as well.

Dino waved his hand and the guards standing next to the doors of the study room immediately stepped outside and closed the door behind them, leaving only the three of them in the room.

Ignoring Niklaus and turning to Dino, Duke Phillip cleared his throat.

" Prince Dino, there is no need to speak to the King about his decision to marry Alfred's third daughter, I believe if he wanted you involved then he would have told you his plans from the start... "

" Clearly he only made it known to you in the presence of everyone so wait for the right time and perhaps like he did today, only he would approach you himself", Phillip said with a calm voice and his words did sound appeasing to Dino who had been bothered about his Father's sudden proposal to a young lady.

Phillip was right, surely he must wait and be patient... his father never took huge decisions without consulting him and the court officials, so perhaps he did not need to approach his father regarding it... soon enough his father would state his cause.

" Approach you himself, wait for the right time, all these words are just bull shit to me... trust me Dino, this is not some decision that is to be made concerning a Kingdom... this is a matter of someone's entire future and waiting for the right time is just the same as waiting for the person's impending doom", Nik exclaimed harshly glaring briefly at Phillip before focusing on Dino.

" I know King Edward has only ever made good and promising decisions but this..., this is neither a good nor a promising decision, just history repeating in the case of Maureen", Niklaus explained with a calm voice causing Dino to think hard about it.

True! His father made one wrong decision and it ruined Maureen's entire life and up until now he still held himself responsible for not being able to confront his father back then.

He could not obviously turn a blind eye to the terrible decision his father had made once again.., marrying a younger lady who had her entire life ahead of her only meant cutting it short just like he did Maureen's.

He stared at Niklaus with an agreeing gaze but like someone who was being challenged mentally with the Devil and the Angel, Phillip spoke up.

" What happened to Maureen was really terrible", Phillip started in a calm voice which only irritated Niklaus to the core.

" When will you shut up, hmm?", Nik asked impatiently not letting the Duke continue his words but as usual Phillip ignored him as though he wasn't even there.

" But Samaira Roberts isn't Maureen Carmichael, think practically Dino, You will just be wasting your time by interfering in the matters of the King and the young lady"

"And in regards to marrying the King, She would gain more, he could give her all the fortunes that she desired in this world, all the security and most of all a position that many women would only wish within their deepest thoughts and would never be able to voice out"

" Samaira Roberts would only benefit from being the King's 7th wife and most of all the treasured one, saying anything in regards to the matter is just you being nosey, Prince Dino..., you shouldn't bother about someone who would later on come to love the position she enters", Phillip ended his statement as he leaned more into the wall he had been resting on ever since.

" And just as always, you remain blind...isn't that right oh great and mighty Duke Phillip? You only saw the benefits, the profits, you did not open your eyes to see the drama that would follow suit the moment she becomes King Edward's treasured queen", Niklaus argued back glaring at the calm face of Duke Phillip.

" Be practical Niklaus.., she is barely twenty five years old and everyone has to pass through hurdles before they can finally claim their win, consider it to be her growing and nothing more", countered Phillip as he stared at Niklaus with a look that said he was so right and that did irritate Nik all the more.

Finally coming to a conclusion, Dino spoke up. " I believe Phillip is right... involving myself is unnecessary as things will play out the way they are supposed to in the end. There is no need for my interference Nik", Dino spoke in a manner that said there was no room for more discussions.

Niklaus stood up abruptly and glared at Phillip who now had a smug smile on his face. " Believe me Nik it is for the best", he said like a humble saint and Nik only glared harder wishing he could throw the man out of the room with his harsh glares.

He did not know if he was angry more with Dino, King Edward or Phillip but he was angry and he was surely going to vent it but somewhere else, where he could refrain from killing someone of importance like the Young Duke Phillip.

With that thought, he opened the door himself and walked out of the study room while Phillip followed suit.

Author's Note:

Hey....guys, I'm really sorry for the late update, was really busy.. so I know this chapter is coming in late but I hope you enjoyed it non the less.

State your comments and complains at the comment section... trust me I'll be willing to listen... until then... have a good day/night.