Let's Get Married II

After hearing the news and getting here, they had thought that they were going to meet her still in her coma and couldn't believe the miracle that had just happened.

Lily also followed them out of the room happily while glancing back at her sister with tears still streaming down her face. This is just like a dream. She had thought that she had lost her sister forever and was all surprised after hearing the shocking news yesterday.

Her thoughts wandered to Jack and his parents who are also on their way here from the airport as he had gone back to City H to pick them up and she sighed happily.

After everyone had left the room, Carl whose soft gaze was still fixed on the girl chuckled with a happy sigh and he carefully hugged her.

"Thank you, my love... Thank you so much for waking up," he muttered gratefully and sighed again while listening to her soft breathing.