Redscale Soldiers.

The most defining feature about the {Redscale Soldiers} were their dull red carapaces and their humanoid bodies.

"What do you think they evolved from?" Cain suddenly asked Ignis.

They had taken a break after carving a bloody path to their current location just a bit before the Colony's area of influence.

Ignis was baffled, "I'm not from your planet. How do you expect me to know what sort of creatures are native to here?!"

Cain thought about it for a while, "I see... That does make some sense. Then what creatures on your native planet do you think are similar to them?"

She sighed, "Maybe an {Ash Crawler}? Tiny insectoid creatures that feed on the ashes that come out of a volcano."

Blaze who was seated nearby couldn't help but nod,

"They do appear a bit like insects. For one, they have six eyes on their heads, and they are covered in a carapace."