Dark Net (2).

"Fuck!" Lukas exclaimed.

"What's the matter?" Floki said, his normally deep voice as soft as a feather. Judging by the sweat gathered on his forehead, one could tell he was really straining himself.

And that was because trying to move silently in heavy armor, was very difficult.

While he could dismiss the armor and summon it before battle, doing that would waste too much time, and he could be attacked before the armor's individual pieces came together.

A scowl decorated Lukas' face,

"That bastard said we should move towards the Old plaza where that fountain is..."

Floki raised a brow, "Why? Aren't we supposed to..."

Lukas waved a hand, "Enough of that, big guy. Let's go."

A frown appeared on Floki's face, but he fought his displeasure back.

"I'm trying my best to move silently, but all this armor gets in the way." Floki finally said.

Lukas growled, "If you don't hurry up, I'll just leave you behind."