
Cain sighed to himself...

As expected, the major problems of those still living in the City was hunger, and thirst just to name a few.

To put it simply, they had been getting by with just scavenging and searching the City for food and whatever was edible.

The water supply system within the City had long since been damaged, or perhaps even completely destroyed. As such, those here were forced to do what they could to survive.

The problem of water could be managed with magic items that could produce water. However, the items were unable to produce enough for so many people. Plus, their God despised magic.

The worst issue was hunger. Apart from their stash of canned foods, which was already running low, there was nothing else to be eaten within the City.

The Mutant Creatures that had once populated the City were mostly all killed by the Devils.

There were no forests nearby, meaning they couldn't even eat plants.