
Staring at the ordinary looking man standing before him, Cain was forced to narrow his eyes.

This man...

Was anything but ordinary.

During the time he had been here, and from what he had seen so far, Cain was able to come to several conclusions.

The first being that the people here, both the soldiers and the Hunters, didn't have a very high capacity for mana.

The God of Sands and Death that created this dome was a Celestial being that once pulled over a desert planet filled with otherworldly beings.

These beings possessed great bodies, but they were forbidden from practicing magic, because their God detested it. It was forbidden, and those who practiced it were shunned away from his presence.

As such, they had to find ways to put the mana within their spirits to use.

This began a period of magic-tech evolution...

The man had a plain face with a bland expression. However, he was completely decked out in strange gear.