Valestorm Captives.

Staring at the elegant ceiling above, Hunter wondered how many days he had been here.

It was difficult to tell the time here, in a land of Evernight.

Even now, staring at the opulence around him, Hunter was still dumbfounded by the fact that it existed.

It was as though he was in a different time period altogether.

Sure, there were signs of a destroyed civilization littered everywhere, but that was forced to not be the focus of your gaze.

Instead, your attention was brought to the newer things. As he lay there, admiring the delicate decorative murals, his mind was blank.

He had been here for only a few weeks...

A feet smacked the back of his head, but he didn't react to it. Despite having only been here for a few weeks, he was already used to this. However, others weren't like him.

"You damned bastard! Keep your legs to yourself!" Luke yelled angrily as he got up from the ground and kicked Manny in the behind.