New Burdens.

Sitting up, Lucia let out a wince.

Her eyes widened as she was suddenly sent into a coughing fit, blood streaming down her lips.

"That damned bastard." She said through clenched teeth.

Pushing away the rubble, she leaned against a broken wall and sighed.

During their battle, Khan had not gone easy in her in the slightest. She felt as though she was cut on every inch of skin on her body.

And yet, he hadn't death the killing blow. Instead, he had knocked her out and collapsed the scene of their fight.

'What exactly is he doing, that idiot...' She thought to herself.

Her ears twitched slightly.

'Someone's coming.'

Light flashed through her fingers and a handgun manifested. The darkness surrounding this part of the Military camp was rather thick, as a few buildings that remained managed to block the moonlight from reaching her.

Therefore, she was rather on edge.