
With a light kick, Gilead turned the corpse over.

Glassy eyes that held all the fear, rage and confusion the soul that had just recently departed were what Gilead stared into.

However, he didn't feel even a bit regretful...

Abigail, the Heart Ward walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder,

"There is no need to feel pity. His death serves a greater purpose that what he was."

Gilead shrugged her hands off his shoulder and turned to face him,

"You said you can get us an audience with this... Cain, right? When?"

Abigail retracted her hand and placed it on her mask. She calmly pulled the mask off to reveal an absolute gorgeous face with smoky eyes that seemed to pull her victim's heart in,

"Anytime you are ready." A call smile dancing on her lips.