Final Boss (1).

Cutting off the head of the last {Rot Lindworm}, Cain let out a sigh. Then his face contorted as he frantically wiped away the blood on his sword. He couldn't have such rotten blood destroying his equipment.

'How long as it been?'

They had surely been down here for more than a day by now. Although much wouldn't have changed above the surface, he was still a bit worried.

On the plus side, they had finally almost completed their objective. They were now headed towards the checkpoint, or in other words, the furtherest and deepest point of the first 'floor' as Vincent liked to call it.

They had encountered all sorts of ruthless, terrifying creatures down here. Some had magic that could reach their souls, others messed with their minds and gave them mental scars while some where just so physically revolting, staring at them too long might incote madness.