The battle was brief...
Cain couldn't help but shake his head,
'Perhaps before fighting that stone monster, you lot would have been a challenge.'
The Highland Orcs were not weak. They also couldn't be classified as mutant creatures. Instead, they were their own thing, just like how humans were a unique species that could be found all over the universe.
Cain frowned, 'I wonder how all that is possible...'
The ability for the same species to exist across the entirety of the physical reality was information that would probably remain elusive to him for a long time.
He huffed silently then stooped to the ground. The face of the Highland Orc, Kragni, was still twisted in disbelief and rage. However, the musings of the dead were of no concern to him.
The orcs had decided to begin the battle. He also couldn't feel any compassion for the orc as it had admitted to its clan being responsible for the deaths of countless humans.