A sweet subtle breeze...
It was like a lover's caress, like a gentle touch of love.
It carried a pleasant coolth that made Cain slowly open his eyes.
The moment he did, he felt relief pervade every part of him. Sighs of relief also broke out from behind him.
"We— we survived!"
They had finally broken away from the storm.
The {Argent Amphithere} swam shakily through a sea of clouds painted golden by the light that shine from everywhere, all at once, in all directions.
Cain smiled and gently patted the creature's back,
'You did a good job. Well done.' He said directly into the beast's mind.
Then he let out a pained groan as he collapsed into its back.
His body twitched and spasmed in agony before he turned motionless.
'That hurt!'
Not just his body, but his spirit also. Both had incurred varying levels of damage due to the stunt he had just pulled off.