c h a p t e r E I G H T | | Valdus Alaric

Valdus Aldric had just finished an important meeting with the other royals. With his head and heart in a mess, he decided to head into the heart of Edrueria, which had birth the name The Great Land of Sins, for a drink.

Valdus could tell that he was nearing the circle that had made The Great Land of Sins as light shone in the far distance of blackness. It had to be around 1 past 10 in the morning when they finally started to enter the circle. Buildings scattered wide and far towards the outer edge of the circle, the entrance, and became more compacted together as they neared the heart. The city shone brighter as they moved inside. Tall buildings of casino hotels and shopping outlets filled the strip.

His eyes, that seemed to glow in the dark, looked on the world zooming past in a colourful blur while seeming deep in thought. The previous war had done a number on him. During the war, his father had ruled the Alaric Kingdom. As the crowned Alpha Prince, he was sent off to the war at the frontline to command the werewolf warriors. Through the war, he fought long and hard so that he could come out victorious and go home to his love. Victorious he had been, but when the war finally ended and he got home, his love and his Highnesses were no more. At 324, just a teen in immortal years, he had to take over the Alaric Kingdom.

Something in him stirs as he takes notice of what was happening outside. A pair of glowing silver eyes, in the deepest part of his mind, awoke from its deep long slumber. The pair of silver glowing eyes that last appeared a century ago, seemed to take over Valdus.

"Stop here." He ordered, his voice deeper than normal. The luxury car came to a stop and out stepped Valdus.

In the dark poorly lit alley, the silhouette of a man and woman could be made out. They seemed to be in their own world as they passionately made out with their hands all over each other. Valdus did not seem to notice as an involuntary growl left his lips at the scene; the man and woman were oblivious of his presence.

His back was tense as he stiffly walked towards the pair. The ever sharp-eyed Valdus, had noticed that the woman was tipsy and was trying to push the male away. The man however, did not seem discouraged by the struggle. Instead, he seemed to be excited by this challenge. He roughly grabbed the hair at the back of her head before his lips attacked her delicate neck. His free hand roamed around her body. However, before he could further his exploration, he was roughly pulled away and flunk onto the opposite wall. Landing with a loud thud as he collided with the hard concrete before sliding down, falling into a deep state of unconsciousness.

Valdus has his eyes focused on the woman the entire time. His jaw and fist clenched unconsciously as he looked at the delicate woman before him. Her body had been slumped against the alley wall as the only thing that was helping her stand had been ripped away from her. Her eyes were closed shut. Her ruby red lips parted slightly. Even with her lipstick smudged, she looked like an angel with such peace on her face. Sometime between the attack, she had fallen unconscious.

It had been a century since the pair of silver eyes took control of him. As such, he had no control as it took over his being and he walked towards her. Heat shot through his hands as he made contact with her skin while he lifted her up. As the moon and the planets align in the dark black sky, the woman opened her eyes, making eye contact with the stranger. A gasp escapes her parted ruby lips when they both realize the beginning of an end.


Familiar baby blue eyes stared back into Valdus' emerald green eyes, that have just returned from its previous shade of silver. Valdus was sure that he had never seen this woman in his arms before. But for some reason, she felt familiar. The warmth expelling out of her body and into his was something he felt before. He unconsciously took a deep breath of her scent in. Something about this mysterious woman was familiar to him. The way he held her in his arms so comfortably; Even though he had not held a woman for a century. The way her body seemed to just fit perfectly with his.

A smirk formed on the woman's ruby lips. Baby blue eyes filled with playfulness. "Val-ddy, did you miss me?" A familiar sweet voice sounded out of the woman.

A minute passed as Valdus took some time to register what had happened as the woman's body slumped back unconscious in his arms.

'How did she know that nickname? That voice. Those eyes. That scent. Who is she?'

Feeling the weight shift in his arms, Valdus snapped back to reality. Normally, Valdus would let his subordinates take care of something like this. However, something in him would not let him leave the woman for the driver to settle. Afterall, she was someone whom he did not know. But the thought of someone else taking care of her just did not sit right with the Alpha King.

His eyes went blank as he walked over to the luxury car that had been parked at the side walk. 'Safdar, clean up on the alley beside Uyum Bakery.'

'Yes, Alpha.' Even though Safdar was curious about who had offended the Alpha King, he was more shocked that his Alpha King had communicated with him through telepathy. How many years had it been since the Alpha King made use of Telepathy? Usually, Safdar would always be by the Alpha King's side to relay any messages or orders via telepathy if the other person was at a distance. On the rare occasion that the Beta was not with his Alpha, the Alpha King would make use of the telephone to ring the Beta. However, Safdar knew that now was not the time to question his Alpha.

"Richard, go watch guard and wait for Safdar to come." Having watched the whole situation, the driver bowed his head in respect as he walked over to the perpetrator. Not before opening the door to the passenger's side.

Valdus walked over to the passenger's side and buckled the mystery woman in before lowering the seat down so that she could lay more comfortably. He stared at her face, her fawn skin seemed to reflect a warmth glow from the moonlight. Her thick neatly trimmed brows were set in a frown as her dark long lashes brushed against her cheeks each time her eyes moved rapidly from dreaming. 'I wonder what she's dreaming so intensely about.' Valdus looked at the sleeping woman in wonder. A growl rumbled deep within his chest as he looked at her bruised lips that had been set into a pout. Surprised and confused with his own reaction, Valdus ran a hand through his thick luscious hair with a sigh of defeat before closing the passenger's door gently.

He walked over to the driver's seat and made his way back to the Ermensinde Manor, back to the Aldaric Mansion.