Only a call away

Our mains come and the food is so delicious. Matty has steak like Steve. Linda and I have chosen chicken. Matty briefly moves his hand away from mine in order to eat.

"Are you off to the same uni as Matthew next year then" Steve asks, interested.

"I am yes, we're both studying media together" I tell him

"Except she's much smarter than me, she's also studying music and dance at the same time" Matty gloats

"Wow that is a lot of courses" Steve admits

"It is, I'm going to major in dance I think." I say smiling.

"How long have you danced, Taylor" Linda asks in awe.

"Oh from very young about 4 I think" I tell her

"That's an achievement you must be very good" she replies

"She is" Matty smirks. I laugh with him.

I catch Linda staring at us, smiling broadly.

The rest of the evening passes quickly, Linda and Steve are really nice company. Steve talks with Matty about cars and his 4x4. Linda engages me in conversation about Matthew and shares stories of his childhood. We talk about the time he ran off into the gardens of the pub, and I inform her about our visit there just the other day.

I learn that Linda loves art, she is proud of Matthew's drawing and interest in it. She tells me about all of the pictures he has created. She asks Matthew to draw one of me, which I go along with. He informs her that he will get right on it. I notice that anything she asks of him he agrees to, even if he does dig his heels in from now and then.

Matty and I share a desert, again. I'm learning he does not like sweet things unlike myself. He has a few spoonfuls of our chocolate sundae then declares himself done.

"It has been so lovely having dinner with you two" Linda says, she's only slightly tipsy.

"I do hope we can do this or something else sometime soon" she markedly looks at Matty, as if to say don't mess this up.

"Oh maybe when Kim is back we can arrange something" she says excitedly

"I'd love to meet Kim" I say to Matty looking over at him.

"And so you will my dear" Linda says smiling at me. Her eyes twinkle as she looks at her son.

Steve grabs the bill and pays even though Matty and myself offer to help out. He insists that this is the first time he's taken Matthew and I out and that he wishes to pay for us. I can see that Matty has inherited a lot of qualities from his step dad.

Having hugged Matty in the car park Linda gives me a big hug as Steve and Matty chat probably about cars again.

"It was so lovely to meet you Taylor, I'm so glad he has found somebody like you" she says to me.

"Thanks for inviting me and being so nice and welcoming. It was lovely meeting you both" I say and mean it.

"And I'm glad I found somebody like him too" I add, smiling as he brushes my hand.

"I'll be at Steve's tonight, my love. Only a call away" she says to Matty through the window as they drive away.

Matty opens my door for me and I climb in.

He starts up the car, he drives with his spare hand resting on my thigh.

"I told you she would love you" he says glancing at me and smiling broadly.

"I liked them both a lot, your mum is much cooler than mine" I laugh.

"Oh yeah, she's alright I suppose" he says.

"I think she was pretty impressed by you, I only hope I can impress your mum just as much" he laughs.

"Oh I'm sure you will, is that you saying you want to meet my parents Matty?" I tease him.

"If it's something you want to happen then I'm good with that" he says parking up at his.

I love how he has just assumed I'm coming back with him tonight.

Once inside I sit on his kitchen table with the guitar. He busies himself making coffee and a hot chocolate for myself. I feel like I'm on a high having met them. I always thought that the way a guy treats his mum is a good indication of how he will treat you. Matty clearly tries his best for his mum and usually comes around to her ideas and suggestions.

I place the guitar down and roll Matty a cigarette. He comes and joins me at the table thanking me for rolling up.

"make yourself one" he says standing in front of me.

He watches me intently "shit I'm a bad influence" he laughs.

"why would you say that" I ask him.

"I'll bet you never even thought of smoking before all this" he says.

His phone buzzes, we both sigh. He retrieves it and answers. A male voice speaks on the line. It's not Ross I would know. Brad maybe? Matty holds my eye contact whilst speaking on the phone. He hangs up.

"We're going ? To the party right" he asks me.

"Yes why ? I mean if you want to go?" I say confused.

"That was an old friend, Jay. Hangs with Stiffy and Brad. Just asking if I'm going" he says absentmindedly.

"What you wearing ?" He asks me with interest.

"To the party? That white dress and I was planning on a halo making me an angel" I say feeling like a dumbass.

"You ugh will look incredible in anything" he smiles reassuringly.

"Just please try and stick with me okay" he adds quickly and I begin to wonder about Jay.

I want to ask if Ross will be there but think better of it.

We lay in Matty's bed together, he's given me one of his shirts to wear but his hands are under it stroking my body. He really can't keep his hands away from me.

***Matty's POV***

Jay is going to cause me problems, I just hope I can keep her away from them.

Laying here with her she's drifting in and out of sleep holding onto me. Her phone goes off again, seriously she's very popular. It's not Tom like I thought it might be but Ross. I see he's messaged her. I will not look through her messages. I shrug it off, she's here with me in my bed. Having just met my parents. What more could I need?

He's into her. I know ross well enough to see that. He has seen me treat girls badly and he thinks that's my game here too. It isn't of course.

When she said she would be with me earlier I was overcome by her. My possessiveness just hit the roof, if anyone touches her that will earn them a fat lip straight away. I'll have to find a way to keep her dancing with just me. At least then she won't play any drinking games with Jay and Ross.

I think introducing her as my girl is the way forward especially so that I can cut off Ross. She will always have a soft spot for him. He's intelligent and smarter than me. He's drawn to her, and honestly he's probably the right choice. He never has hurt any girls. He always has had serious relationships rather than flings.

"Matty" she whispers breaking my thought process

I all but jump to see what she wants, what is happening to me? She had briefly turned away in her sleep and now she's facing the other direction.

"I'm here babe" I pull her back to me.

She hugs me and rests on my chest. She eases my anxiety straight away. She's still half asleep but she kisses my chest lightly.

I lay there on a Friday night instead of drinking at one of the guys houses, stroking her hair. This isn't something I've ever done before, with other girls I never got to know them. I never valued their company. I don't really deserve to have somebody like this feel so strongly for me. I think mum all but died and went straight to heaven seeing her this evening.

"What are you worrying about" she whispers "I can feel it" she states.

"Nothing babe" i try to relax.

"Uh huh" she says doubtfully. She starts kissing me all over my chest moving her hands massaging my back.

She gets me excited so quickly I find myself pulling her body even closer.