Patient 37

*trigger warning- emergency contraception/ abortion

We enter the clinic together, Matty is still holding my hand. I feel so relieved that I was able to make a decision with him. I know I will not ever want to let go of his hand again.

We approach the reception area and take a ticket, the clinic is unexpectedly busy. We receive number 37. I look at the number on the wall calling for patient number 15. Not too bad I suppose.

There are a few girls here alone. I can't begin to fathom how they are feeling and decide that I am very lucky to have somebody who is supportive behind me.

Matty sits with me, arm around me as we wait. He doesn't get his phone out and he never looks bored or annoyed at having to wait. He just waits with me and I appreciate it.

Eventually our number is called and we go in together to be greeted by a nurse who is kind looking and much older than my mum. She smiles at us both and asks us to have a seat. Matty waits for me to be seated first. The nurse notices and smiles at me.

"How can I help you today" she asks openly

"I was hoping to take the morning after pill" I say

Matty holds my hand and I feel steady again.

"We accidentally had unprotected sex" I say to clarify.

"Of course may I ask you a few questions"

I nod "sure".

"Okay, when was your last period roughly?"

I blush but answer telling her it was around two weeks ago.

"Okay, how many hours have passed since you had unprotected sex?"

I mentally count up in my head it was about 3 am and now it's 2pm.

"Around 11 hours"

"Very good you're doing just fine" she says to reassure me and for some reason I feel like balling my eyes out.

"Sorry I have to ask all of these questions, nearly there"

"Any medical conditions?" She asks

"None" I reply, that I can think of.

"Any other medicines you are on including herbal medicine" she enquires.


"Any health symptoms such as pain during sex, pain passing urine, discharge, bleeding or spotting?"

"No none".

She smiles at us both. And goes to her filing cabinet at the back of the room. She pulls out a sealed package with a box inside.

"Okay this is the emergency contraceptive pill, it's considered to be 95% effective within the first 24 hours of unprotected sex. This may effect your next period however so don't be too alarmed if your period is a little later than normal. To be extra sure take a pregnancy test within 3 weeks" she says passing me water.

I take the pill, and it's done.

"You may wish to consider what type of contraceptive you wish to use going forward" she says supplying us both with a pamphlet each on contraception.

"Most of these you can get from your GP so you don't have to decide right now" she smiles.

"Also we offer STI screening. If that is something you wish to do today just wait to the left of the waiting room to get a sample kit that we will send off for you and send back results. Results can be texted to a mobile number if you wish" she informs us.

"Thanks" Matty says for me as we leave.

I feel weirdly numb, how many times have I taken pills and not considered any implications. That however even though I try to deny it was different.

I head to the STI screening desk and collect a kit. So does Matty. We go into our individual rooms to perform our test. It's a nightmare especially with how I'm feeling at the moment.

But once it's done I'm greeted by Matty in the corridor he hugs me and whispers in my ear "you did amazing".

I'm instantly relieved to have him with me.

We go to the car. And the first thing I think is thank goodness the party isn't tonight as the last thing I want to do is drink and be around everyone.