What for more curling wands

We decide to have meatballs first because Matty, even though he has just had toast, says he can't possibly walk around the whole of IKEA without eating the meatballs first. I briefly wonder how he has such a buff body. Considering the amount he eats.

Once we're seated by the window, Matty glances at my ring which he bought me and smiles.

I smile back at him, our dynamic has changed yet again. I often notice him glancing at me when he thinks I'm not looking. I did notice him this morning in the shower touching my tummy and holding me there for a while. I tried not to think of all the possible meanings behind that.

I have some meatballs too as Matty would not allow me to come into this place and not have them he tells me that's just embarrassing.

"What kind of things are we looking for" I ask him.

"Well what about a mirror, I don't have one and I thought you might like one" he suggests chuckling

"Anything really that would make you feel a little more at home I guess" he says looking at his food.

"Are we going to talk about what we're actually doing here ?" I decide to be brave and address the elephant in the room.

He laughs.

"Yeah I mean I know you were talking about dorms before for uni, but i just... I just wanted to give you another option. I'm going to be staying at mine, I can drive us in for lectures. I wanted to suggest you do that too with me." He finishes shyly.

"I've spoken to my mum about it, why do you think she hasn't been around for like a week" he says laughing.

"And what did she say" I ask him

"She said she's more than happy for that too happen, then she lectured me about lots of other stuff. And then she went on about how level headed and mature you are and that she needn't bother lecturing me because you are already on that shit" he says smiling at me.

I can't help but laugh, I love Matty's mum. She's right.

"Well so yeah? What's your thoughts on that ?" He says really shyly.

Without a shadow of doubt I tell him yes. Of course I do, the prospect of waking up to him every single day and coming home to him too it's just a complete dream. In my head for days I've been thinking about it all, and dreading having to move into dorms. Matty's is closer to uni and because he can drive it makes sense. I suggest giving him some money per month to help out with the rent, he scoffs and tells me no and not to argue. I promise to get food and shopping and help with that in order to contribute.

"Come on then let's go buy you some shit" he laughs clearly pleased with himself.

I take his hand, who would have thought that we would get to this place in our relationship so soon. Taking showers together and shopping for mirrors and plates to stay together, in the same house.

We walk through the different departments, Matty pushes the trolley. I end up going just a touch overboard, we currently have new plates and cups and glasses for if people come over and want to have drinks. We've got wine glasses-the huge ones. I've picked up a lamp, he asks where I'm going to put it and I say his bedside table which he corrects me saying no our bedside table. I get some new towels and some new sheets. Matty has a big say in the sheets, he says he only wants Egyptian cotton because that is what he's already got and I have to agree his sheets do feel amazing.

When it comes to the storage section he tells me he's going to buy a new chest of drawers for my stuff which of course I protest about at first. But as always he gets his way. We go for a small cream one to match his other furniture.

I also pick up some candles, and a few house plants. He laughs but doesn't protest too much.

When we are just about done we head towards the tills. We pass through the baby section unintentionally, which really should not be something that phases us at all. We see couples looking at cribs and bouncers. Matty eyes me warily, after the events of the last couple of days perhaps he thinks I'm going to burst into tears. I look at the tiny little beds and wonder how babies are ever that small.

Luckily we pass all of the baby stuff without any problems and find the tills. Again I offer to pay but Matty insists yet again. I hope he doesn't think I'm with him just for his generosity and money.

Matty then makes a show of carrying all of the heavy items from the trolley to the car, and I ogle at his muscles just a little bit.

"Where next babe" he says once we're back on the road.

"Right now, be mature but we need to go to Ann summers" I tell him

"What for more curling wands" Matty teases me

"Be mature" I say swatting him

"No for slutty dress up clothes" I tell him

His eyes go wide and a huge grin spreads across his lips.

"Of course, can we buy some things just for me and you" he chuckles and winks at me.

"You're so naughty" I tell him and he laughs.