I’ll bet he’s in a band

I'm looking out the window as we arrive at our destination. I spray myself with my perfume before Matty comes around and gets my door. The perfect gentleman.

We've arrived at a large estate, it's like a wedding venue. Turns out it's a hotel, Matty tells me as we walk up to the building. It's lit up making it look totally magical, like a palace. When I get closer I notice there are candles in every window illuminating the grand interior. We walk up the stone steps and stand in the warmth of reception. I'm glad I dressed up, this place is fancy.

Matty places his hand on the small of my back. A smartly dressed man in uniform appears and asks for the name. We are then shown to our table. My nerves kick in, I'm not sure why I have already met Linda and Steve.

I notice Linda at the same time she claps eyes on us on our way over. She stands smiling, she takes one look at me and beams with pride. I feel I have made the correct choice in outfit.

"Matthew and Taylor" she says extending her arms

My nerves dissipate as she holds me in an embrace.

"Taylor you look absolutely stunning" she says to me and I thank her and compliment her back. Steve hands me some champagne, I take it gratefully.

"Kimberly this is the lovely Taylor, Matty's partner" Linda says.

Kim, Matty's sister is slim with pixie cut hair. She has alabaster skin and green eyes like her brother. She too is wearing a dress and looks fabulous, like she has just stepped off of a runway. She beams at me. I instantly know we will like each other as she stands up and gives me a hug saying that she loves my dress. She hugs Matty and tells him she's missed him which I think is very sweet.

We all sit down together as another member of our group arrives taking his seat next to Kim.

"'Matty, Kraig. Kraig this is Matty my brother" Kim says.

"Oh hey, nice to meet you" Matty replies extending his hand but clearly shocked.

"We met last month he's a music student" Kim says

"Oh that's great Taylor here is studying music next year" Matty tells them.

"Awesome nice to meet you both, what do you play if you don't mind me asking" Kraig asks me.

Kraig has natural blonde hair and blue eyes. He's a typical rocker and I'll bet he's in a band.

"I play guitar acoustic mainly a bit of piano and I sing too" I tell him

"Great I'm a guitarist too" he says smiling at me.

"You'll have to show Taylor your music books for uni" Kim says smiling

"I'd actually really appreciate that" I say gratefully.

We all order food. Matty rests his hand on my knee under the table and I place my hand on top of his.

I could have ordered for Matty I seem to already know what he will go for.

We talk easily until the food arrives; steak for Matty and chicken for me. Kim is the only one that goes for the veggie option. She doesn't make a big deal out of it, but she clearly does not like meat.

I glance at Linda who is proudly watching her son Matthew and enjoying seeing him smiling with his sister.

After our mains have been cleared away Steve makes a toast. He congratulates Matty on finding the love of his life and I almost cry. Kim on passing her first year at university with Kraig and congratulates them for finding a place together in the city. And then he focuses on Linda. Matty's mum. I get the feeling something is about to happen, and I'm right as he gets down on one knee and presents her with a ring. I clasp Matty's hand in mine, and he kisses it and then holds it in his own.

We all wait for the verdict, Linda cries and of course agrees to marry him.

It's a beauty of a ring. Emerald set with two diamonds on a gold band. We all complement them on their engagement and Steve orders some more champagne.

I visit the toilets to freshen up and when I return a sundae is waiting for me, Matty winks up at me.

"Did I do good" he asks

I try some, it's chocolate brownie.

"Perfect" I say and he smiles.

He drapes his arm confidently around the back of my chair as I eat. Kim is speaking with Linda and Kraig is trying to engage Matty in a conversation. However I'm doing most of the talking for him.

Kraig seems nice overall, a little rugged. He's one of those guys that plays up to the rock star stereotype.

We're talking about a pink floyd album, dark side of the moon. He has made it through his first year of music however so I listen up to him he could be a valuable source of information.

"Maybe we could get together and have a look at some music theory" he suggests.

"Yeah that sounds good" I say and Matty's spare hand rests back on my thigh.

"Where did you two meet then" he asks us after a pause.

"We actually met at a skate park" I tell him.

"That's original, yeah I met Kim on campus at a party. I know typical" he smiles.

"I'm in a band, we're playing actually in September. You should come" he says to me.

"Hey maybe if you wanna you can have an acoustic set, you know a couple songs" he asks me.

"Wow that sounds great let me have a think and get back to you" I tell him.

"Here's my details, let me know" he tells me and then Kim joins us again. I place his card in my bag.

"Actually I also wanna use you if you don't mind, I've got a fashion show I'm directing next term. Will you walk for me ? Please say yes! Our uni's aren't that far apart, and looking at you I know I can design so many looks on you" she laughs.

"Wow yes of course I'd love to do that" I tell her.

"Great" she claps her hands together. "I'll let you and Matty know".

Matty's hand travels up my thigh, just stroking.

"I'm happy for you both, mum" Matty says to Linda and she beams at him.

"I'm happy for you both too Matthew. I thought it was never going to happen! But for everything to fall into place like this is just perfect. You both will be at the wedding I assume" she asks us.

"Of course we will, mum" he says.

"I'd love to" I tell Linda.

The evening winds down, I find myself glancing at Matty wondering if I hadn't gone out with Rhea that day if I would have ever met him. I'm so beyond glad I did meet him.

This has been a special evening and being a part of Linda's engagement feels important to me. Like I'm part of her family. I can only imagine how emotional the wedding will be.

We all say our goodbyes and Matty takes me to the car for the drive home. He hasn't drunk but this is my first time on champagne and I'm definitely feeling happy.

"That was so nice" I tell him

He laughs and hands me a cigarette as he starts up the car and switches the heater on.

"They all love you babe" he says

"Look at you becoming a model and a singer songwriter in one evening, I'm proud of you" he says winking at me in the car.