Chapter 16


Hybreed, Konnor, Nikita and Jasper arrive in London and meet up with Simon Westlake, the second-great grandson of the late Peter Westlake, who served in World War II and fought alongside Kargan and Hybreed and he grew to trust them. Unfortunately, Peter passed away in 1989 after a long battle with lung cancer.

Simon Westlake: Hybreed.

Hybreed: Hello, Simon.

The two embrace each other with a hug after having not seen one another in quite some time.

Hybreed: You haven't aged a day at all and look fantastic.

Simon Westlake: Speak for yourself. Still look the same from when I was able to talk and walk.

Hybreed: Surely you remember Konnor, Nikita and Jasper.

Simon shakes Konnor and Jasper's hands as Nikita pulls him in for hug.

Hybreed: I trust you understand why we are.

Simon Westlake: Come. We have much to discuss.

The five arrive at Simon's mansion, which belonged to Peter, where his family inherited it.

Konnor: Nice place.

Simon Westlake: It was my great grandfather's. We inherited it after he died. My father died when I was only seven and my mother moved me and my two brothers and sisters to a small village two hours from here. I came back when I was old enough to live on my own and been here ever since.

Hybreed: Just you here?

Simon Westlake: Our butler, Gerald. He has kept this place up and running for years. I owe him everything.

Nikita: So many artifacts. You could make a fortune off of these.

Simon Westlake: I could. I just choose not to, my darling. I made a promise to my father before he passed that I would not, under any circumstances, sell them. They have been passed down from generation to generation in my family and I have honored my father's wish for the last twenty years. I intend to keep honoring it.

Hybreed: And you are making your father proud, Simon. He was a great man and so was Peter. A brave soldier and a wonderful man.

Jasper: Why are we here?

Hybreed glances at him like a father would when they catch their son doing something or saying something they are not supposed to.

Simon Westlake: Very well. Hekate has been holding London captive. She's spreading her curse to those she finds fit enough to carry it. Day by day, her bloody army gets bigger and bigger.

Hybreed: Is there a difference in their appearance?

Simon Westlake: No. Once they are "cursed" they still maintain their same appearance as before, but show different emotions. Hardly speak, aggressive, violent, powerful. Superhuman strength, able to heal from fatal wounds.

Hybreed: When did the last incident happen?

Simon looks at Hybreed then to Konnor, Nikita and Jasper.

Simon Westlake: Five minutes ago.

The group head into the city to see if they can find any of the cursed. All five are each wearing a small ear piece to communicate and split up to cover more ground. Hybreed scans the area he is in near the Big Ben clock tower, but is unable to catch anything as are the other four. Watching everyone around him, he senses and studies their movement as well as their expressions. He begins to notice the smaller details on the humans and the cursed. This is when he spots one.

Hybreed: Got one.

Hybreed keeps a sharp eye on the cursed man, keeping a distance from him. The cursed man notices Hybreed following him and begins to pick up the pace a bit as Hybreed warns the others. The man breaks out into a sprint then a full-paced run as Hybreed does the same. He chases him into the streets, able to leap over any oncoming car as the cursed man keeps running until he turns a corner to find Konnor there, waiting.

Konnor: Heading somewhere?

The cursed man tries to go back the way he came as Hybreed blocks that path.

Hybreed: We just want to talk.

Both Hybreed and Konnor start to slowly approach him when multiple cursed people suddenly appear.

Cursed man: Sure you still want to talk?

The cursed man chuckles as the cursed people close in on them. Konnor looks to Hybreed on what to do when Nikita and Jasper suddenly attack and begin to fight them making Hybreed and Konnor join in. The four easily overpower them all, but they all refuse to give up and keep coming back for more. Making the choice, Hybreed knows they have to kill them in order to keep them from spreading the curse.

Hybreed: We have to kill them. It's the only way.

Konnor: Are you sure there is no other way?

Jasper: He's right. If we don't, they will keep coming.

The four begin to battle the cursed people and despite them all taking a severe beating, they just keep coming back. As he is no longer able to control it, Hybreed draws his claws and starts slashing at the group, and they are finally contained.

After the fight, the cursed ones are all detained while Hybreed, Konnor, Nikita and Jasper return to Simon's mansion.

Simon Westlake: Well, that went - that went better than I had hoped.

Gerald the butler brings all five of them a drink and informs the group that dinner is being prepped and will be served in an hour. News of the incident spreads, and the police commissioner of the Metropolis provides an update on the situation. He is proud to announce that nobody was killed, however, the individuals involved claim to not know anything before the incident. A number of videos also surface showing Hybred and the group fighting them. The Commissioner makes it known that whoever these people are do not work for their police force and should not be approached under any circumstances. Simon turns the television off as Hybreed rubs his eyes in frustration.

Nikita: We do these people a favor and yet we are the ones that look like the villians.

Jasper: It's always been that way, Nikita. We're werewolves. We are the bad guys.

Simon Westlake: When people don't understand things, they become afraid. The abilities and skills you all have is something everyone wishes they had, but they don't understand and probably never will.

Jasper: We have heard this one before, Simon. No matter how much help we do, in the end we are just monsters to them.

Konnor: Jasper.

Jasper: It's true! Tell me I'm lying, Konnor. Go ahead. What, because I'm the youngest, I don't know what I am talking about? I have seen it for so long now. How long have we protected the humans? Four hundred and some odd years and how many "thank yous" do we get?

Konnor stands there in silence as Jasper continues his rant.

Jasper: You two fought in some of the deadliest wars this world has ever seen. Tell me, how many medals did you get? How many wives thanked you for bringing their husbands home alive?

Konnor: Don't push it.

Jasper: I can tell you. None.

As he becomes agitated, Konnor starts to display his claws.

Jasper: You intend to slash me? Punch me? Go ahead. You can't hide from the truth, Konnor. You know I am right.

Hybreed: Enough. Both of you.

Nikita: He's right though. Why do we protect humans?

Hybreed: Because, it's in the covenant. My father's covenant that I honor every day. We never harm humans, otherwise, we are no different from the bad guys.

Jasper: So, what do we do?

Hybreed: I don't know. But I know Hekate is going to deceive everyone into thinking we are here to hunt them. We have to stop her before she goes too far.