Five New Gods

"WAIT!!!" screamed someone

Right as they screamed that everyone froze. After half a second of no one moving, everyone turned to stare at who screamed.

Walking up to our table were 5 individuals. One was a beautiful woman. She was a brunette with stupidly soft hair. Even though I couldn't touch her hair, I knew just by looking at it that it was probably the softest hair I'd ever felt if given the chance. She had hazel eyes that looked at me as if she was analyzing and inferring dozens of things, just by looking at me. Her skin was a nice olive bronze without a single flaw or blemish.

Just by looking at the curves on her, I could already tell she was a god. Now the question was, who is she exactly?

"Athena, what did we do to have you personally visit" Asked Samson. I don't know the god all that well, but from what I could hear when he spoke, I would say he was pissed off. Most likely some grudge that I couldn't understand, not that anyone would tell me.

"Cut the crap, Samson. I'm here because I have a fate tie with this boy and would like to have a clean slate, especially since he is from one of my prime worlds." replied the goddess with a sneer on her face while walking into the circle of gods, followed by 4 others.

"Brother are you also here for a fate tie?" asked Blake.

The God he called brother must have been his blood brother. The reason why I say that is because they looked almost identical, except his brother has short spiked black hair. He also wasn't bulging with muscles but was just as big. He has a more business look. Just by looking at him, I felt like he was safer than Blake and his weirdness.

"Yes, and no. This boy would have lived long enough for polygamy to be made legalized. But since he died he never got to enjoy that. Considering my divinity and all, you know that I do have a fate tie. But I also felt a very strong soul who is destined for quite an adventurous lifestyle. I'm guessing you understood that too, right brother?"

"Anyways young man, my name is Aaron, God of Harems. May I ask what your name is?" said the god while holding his hand out for a handshake

Immidetly I started to tear up. I grabbed his hand and surprised the god by pulling him in for a bear hug.

"My name is Kenneth Young. But you can just call me brother," I replied with tears in my eyes. Do note that these are not tears of sadness. NO! These are tears of brotherhood and manliness. Of a man getting his deepest darkest wish granted. These were tears of BROTHERHOOD!

"Hahaha yes, you are a man of culture as well" The giant roared while picking me up for a massive hug.

In the corner of my eyes, I could see Sylva and Toli rolling their eyes. They definitely don't understand what almost every mans deepest wish is.

"We're on a time crush here, some more than others, don't forget that," said a deep voice dripping with charisma.

Right behind Aaron was another tall man with horns. But unlike the dragon god, he had more than one, and they seemed to form a sort of crown. Almost all of his horns were red with black on the top. He stood just as tall as Aaron and Blake. His body was covered in red skin and black tattoos.

"My name is Lule, First Demon God" finished the demon

"Wait what?! How can a demon be here?!"

'Wait, on second thought maybe he's fine to be up here since he isn't causing trouble? I mean they have Sylva up here, and in some cultures, vampires are considered evil demons, so many there isn't a restriction in the first place?' I thought

"Correct there isn't boy, only gods who are violent or break certain rules aren't allowed up here. I may be a demon god who ruled hell a long time ago, but right now, I'm nothing more than a demon god who's retired" said the demon while patting my shoulder with his massive hand.

Before I could even get offended that he read my mind without my consent he started talking again.

"Here, we all got you some gifts, but I really hate losing so I'll give you something very few have been given." Said the man as he pulled out a clear ball that had a red hue to it, before inserting his hand into my right chest, opposite of my heart, and leaving the clear ball inside. He also pulled out a box that was easily a 3x3x3 box and shoved it into my dimensional seed that was placed in the very center of my body. Don't ask me how I know that's where it went, but I just felt it go there.

That's when I realized he truly was a demon. I don't even want to imagine what he would do if I was a human and not some spirit, soul, ghost type thing. He then moved to the side to let the two behind him have their turn.

After the demon god moved, two cloaked figures walked toward me at the same time. I couldn't make out a single detail of either of them. But based on how everyone hasn't said a single word, let alone moved. Tells me that whoever these guys are, is big news.

Suddenly one of them struck their hand out.

The first to move was the one on my right, he pulled out a glowing ball the size of a baseball out of his sleeve. When his hand pulled the ball of light out of his sleeve I was finally able to make out his hand, or what should have been a hand. Instead of a normal hand, or a red hand like a demon, a solid black bone hand struck out towards my body with the orb.


Before the orb could hit me the second figure grabbed the skeleton's hand and then brought their head closer to the skeleton figures head


After about 3 minutes of everyone watching and waiting for the skeleton man to answer whatever the cloaked man said, he brought the orb toward the other cloaked figure.

The still unidentifiable cloaked figure brought out a black marble and put it into the glowing orb, which quickly started to shrink to the size of a ping-pong ball and dim slightly.

After that happened the cloaked figure pulled out another black marble and brought it toward me. Both cloaked figures struck their hands towards me and put both the black marble and now dimmer glowing orb into my body.

Before I could grasp what was happening, the fully cloaked being brought out a thick solid black book. And thrust it right where the dimension seed was placed.

At the same time that was going on, I looked at the other cloaked being and noticed he look almost upset for some reason. But just like his comrade, he thrust a solid white book with black writing and what looked like blood borders into my chest. Both books and the thrust of the cloaked figures hit at the same time. Sending the books into my dimension seed/

As soon as the books were shoved into my body, everyone stepped back.

I quickly noticed this, as the only one near me was Morgan, but even she looked nervous.

The cloaked skeleton also looked even more upset, and it definitely didn't help when his buddy started to slam his hand on his back like he was an old friend.

All of a sudden the skeleton did something I didn't see coming. He shoved his hand into his chest and ripped out a rib bone. Almost as soon as that happened, every single god stepped back, even Morgan and the cloak's comrade.

The skeleton-cloaked being then decided to stretch his rib bone into a 6-foot-long black staff before his ally stepped forward and put another small black marble on the tip of the staff.

The skeleton then through the staff towards me, but unlike the book, it went straight towards my heart before disappearing.

By the time I looked up from my chest both cloaked figures were gone same as the demon god.

Before I could even start to panic, Morgan grabbed my hand and started to rub my head with her other hand.

"It's fine, trust me, if they wished to harm you, it would have already happened."

"Who were they I asked" terrified.

"If they wish to remain anonymous then I must respect their wishes, but don't worry, it looks like you gained a lot. Use their power wisely. They gave you the ability to make their power your own"

"What were those books? That glowing orb and black marble? What about that black stick rib thing?" I asked, still not moving from where I was standing

"Those books are called skill books. Many worlds have them and treasure them. When you place your hand on a skill book you will be given the option to absorb the knowledge and abilities from that book. Almost all skill books are for one-time use. The two given to you were also only one-time use. When you absorb the knowledge from a skill book, you will get 1 skill point and one starting ability. Take a fire skill book, for example, if you dint have any fire-related skills, you could end up learning fireball, and then unlocking a skill tree for fire-related abilities."

"Is that the only way to gain skills "

"No, there are many ways to gain skills, from blessings, to hard work, hitting a certain proficiency while doing something, but most can gain them from repeating the same action over and over."

"Now that they are gone, shall we finally give you a gift that is personal from each of us?"