The Shadows

Shit shit shit shit what am I supposed to do now. The raven eggs that Samsom gave me might be tossed out. How am I supposed to explain how they got into my room? Maybe I can just try and put the eggs and the boxes back into my dimension through a portal. Yeah, let's try that, maybe I just wasn't focusing hard enough.


After 5 minutes of trying to open a portal, I'm greeted with a message from my system.


[Dimension Seed Lv 1][Locked]

Dimension seed is currently closed to save energy.

Time until enough energy is gathered to open a portal ( 364 days, 23 hrs)


Well shit, what am I supposed to do now? I cant move, cant talk, cant open a portal. Do I just sit here until someone picks it up and decided what to do with my gifts?

After debating about using my skills to cause a ruckus and get my family's attention I started to get tired and fell asleep. But right before I fell asleep I ordered my cat that I have yet to name, to wake me up when someone comes into my room.


After a long day of fighting and digging through the mountain of goblin corpses that I and my hunting party hunted and gathered, we finally finished counting the corpses and got our pay. I was extremely tired but also very excited. I just received word that my wife gave birth to two children. One boy, and the youngest, a girl.

I had yet to actually see my child, as I went on a hunting expedition to clear out a few goblin nests. In the last couple of decades, the mana on the planet has been increasing, which has helped dungeons push out more monsters. Deep in the mountains behind the village i and my family live in, there is a Goblin dungeon that we have yet to destroy to subjugate, due to the low man power in the village.

I could ask the nobles of the region to form a squad of adventures and knights, but then there wouldn't be any food for anyone in the village to eat, because we would be too busy using them to pay the increase in taxes. So to save everyone from paying more in taxes, me and the guys of the village that aren't farming, go out and hunt some goblins.

We also do it because of the weather. The first snow falls in a few weeks, and the animals in the forest will start hibernating. Once those animals go and hide for the winter, all the predators will start targeting the weak and sick villagers. The wolves usually stay away if we show fire and show off a little bit of our power, but the goblins will end up forming raiding parties and kidnapping our women and children while eating all the pets, and farm animals.

Althoug that hasn't happened in years, mainly because we are always vigilant enough to go out and clear out all the goblins to the 4th layer of the forest, which ends right behind the mountains.

"Hey Feonix, make sure you tell Alice good job from the village. We know with the weather getting worse, and the rumors of complete villages falling to random sickness can get to a mother. We also know how strong she is and how good of a mother she is. Let her know ill tell my wife to also hurry up and have her baby, that way our kids can grow up together" called out my good friend Jefferson Fate.

He owned a nice little blacksmith shop with his wife. He is the guy who always puts his foot down when someone does something he doesn't like or thinks is wrong. He isn't the best fighter, but he doesn't go down easy either. He respects and loves his wife so much, that sometimes I feel like I need to be a better husband to my own wife.

He and his wife found out she was pregnant, right around the same time I and my wife did. But unlike me and my wife, who already have 4 children that we have raised, this is his and his wife's first baby.

"I will, that is if she doesn't kill me for missing the birth of my own children," I said while turning around and rushing home.

After walking into my house I was immediately greeted by the maid who stayed up late just to make sure to give me the good news.

"Hello Sasha, you really didn't have to stay up this late just to tell me the good news," I said, not even noticing that while I was reprimanding her, I was smiling the whole time.

"yes yes master Feonix, I just wanted you to know that Madam Alice is now sleeping and there are no complications after giving birth. She is quite exhausted and will probably sleep for quite some time, but I and Jesmea will be looking after her every couple of hours to make sure that-"

Before letting her finish I decided to interrupt her.

"Sasha, thank you for looking after my wife for me. But I will be spending the night with my wife, so you and Jasmea can rest, I know you girls have been working tirelessly the last couple of days. But before that, I must see my babies." I finished, but not before patting her on the head and heading down the hallway.

Walking into my newborn son's room, I noticed some odd boxes sitting in the middle of the floor. Curious about them, I decided to walk up to them and inspect them. Upon inspecting them, I noticed a small box with about 5 eggs in it.

Right before I was about to turn around, I noticed a small piece of paper through the use of one of my skills. The paper was made so that only those who reached a certain level with [Mana Manipulation] and [Perception] and a certain sensitivity to Divine energy could sense. Moving the eggs I picked up the paper and decided to read it since it was addressed to me. After reading it I couldn't contain my curiosity and happiness.

Wanting to know who dropped this off I called out to the shadow in a small yet strong voice.

"Sahil, Senja come"


After about 3 seconds of waiting two child-sized cloaked figures were kneeling before me.

"What have I said about kneeling? I know you have respect for my family, but please don't kneel, what you do may not be known to many, but I know how important you two are to our family." I said as I gave both girls a head pat.

The girls follow an old age tradition where they follow the children of the main branch of the Noble Elven Pine families. They start training at the age of 5, and train until they are 10. After completing their training they hide in the shadows of the children they are presented to and protect them while reporting to the family head about their choices in conflicts and how the child grows. If the child they are raising one day earns the respect of the shadow, then they can announce their presence.

I used to think it was barbaric how the Noble Pine family forces its branch family members to become shadows of their young, that was until a few years ago when an incident happened with my second daughter and the pine family gained my respect. Also if looking at it from a power protective, the branch family of the pine family has much more power than the main branch, but considering the ties the Pine family has, it makes sense.

Now can any of you two girls tell me who and where these items came from?

I already knew who gave them, but I just wanted to know how they got into the room with my sleeping babies, because the person who gave my children these gifts, well, his kind isn't supposed to be on this planet anymore.

"We don't know master, quite a lot has happened tonight while we were observing your children, things that I still don't believe happened."

"Can you start from the beginning?" I said as I gestured for us to move this conversation into the hallway, so as to not wake the babies.

After getting to the hallway and closing the door, I motioned for the girls to spill about everything that has happened.

"Well you see, the thing is-"