(Arc: origin) Revenge

The following day, I wandered around the village looking for anything that would catch my eye however I already had my mind on one thing, a sword! I arrived in front of an off-white stone building with a roof tiled in reddish-brown clay. Two imposing gargoyles sat on marble columns that sandwiched the entrance. An extravagant building befitting of the best blacksmith in the village.

I took a deep breath and stepped in. A gush of hot air from the furnace brushed against my skin. The blacksmith had a forge in the back and a shop in the front with a wall separating the rooms . However I noticed something was amiss, Jack would usually rush to meet me.

Suddenly a loud scream that came from the forge room echoed through the shop. I scurried over and what met my eyes was a gruesome scene. The bully, Joshua and his friends surrounded Mr Tommy and Jack. Joshua held a blade covered with blood that was trickling on the glistening wooden floor. Jack held his shoulder with his hand but I could tell it was oozing blood. I was furious and there was a scowl on my face. That was the last straw. Today was the day they would pay for all the suffering they have caused.

"What is going on here?" I yelled.

"Oh look who it is," Joshua replied while pointing his sword towards me. He had a large grin and I couldn't wait to wipe that look off of his face.

Without any additional words, I placed my hand on my hilt and leaped towards one of his friends. I unsheathed my sword and slashed his torso leaving him with a deep cut that was spewing blood. He fell to his knees before dropping face first on the floor, his eyes lifelessly staring at me.

That was my first human kill and it didn't bother me at all, in fact, it felt natural. The other miscreants looked at me while wearing horrified faces. Joshua was the first one to gather his words.


"I am now part of the guards and my master is Gerald, so we will see how your father deals with him," I said while walking closer, "but who said you were leaving here alive?" I added while smiling.

I ran towards the next one, he tried to defend my attack with his sword but I had already seen through him and found an opening. My training had paid off. I thrust my sword in his chest and at the same time kicked another one who was running at me, only two left now.

I made quick work of the other coward and now only Joshua was left. He was frozen to the spot, he couldn't even move his legs to run and his lips were trembling. Terror held him with a vice-like grip.

"Do you want to have fun?" I asked in a cold manner.

My word seems to cut his soul like a hot knife through butter. He realized that he was not going to come out unscathed.

"It's only been a couple of minutes and you've already pissed your pants twice, that must be a record," I said while laughing.

Joshua was battered, no words could describe the injuries he sustained. He had several cuts and bruises, missing teeth and even missing fingers. He faded in and out of consciousness a couple of times already but to my delight, he was awake for the most brutal parts.

"I'll make sure you don't hurt anyone anymore," I said.

I raised my sword and in one uninterrupted motion swung my blade downwards straight through his right arm. He screamed at the top of his lungs trying to get the attention of a passersby and I was not a monster after all so I would lend him a helping hand.

I dragged him by his collar to the middle of street and laid him on the dirt ground.

I would give him a public execution! I started pummeling his head with my fist countless times with blood splashing on my face. I felt a hand grabbing my arm, it was Mr tommy. He signaled me to look at the ground and all I could see was blood and pieces of brain, Joshua no longer had a head.

"You've become so strong," Jack exclaimed.

"I'd like a sword, the best one you can make. I'll have to deal with the village elder now so I won't have time to tell you the specifications, but I'm sure you'll be fine," I told the blacksmith.

There was already an uproar in the village and rumors about me had already spread, in fact I had already earned a nickname, 'The Bloodhound'. I dragged Joshua along leaving behind a dust cloud and made my way to the village hall where the chief and elders were located.

A crowd had gathered around the town centre to look at the drama that was going to unfold. The guards knowing I was part of the unit did not try to stop me, in fact, they escorted me. I entered the gigantic village hall and made my way to the main baronial room. Marble pillars ran along the walls, expensive works of art were hung on the walls and in the middle of the room, a round table with five chairs could be found.

Five elderly men dressed in chic garments stared at me with killing intent. I threw Joshua's lifeless body in front of them and waited for them to speak.

"DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'VE DONE?" one of them asked. It was none other than the victim's father, Sator.

"I have removed trash, do I get a reward?" I asked sarcastically.

"We'll have you executed, this is treason," he replied angrily.

"I'm not sure you'll be able to do that unfortunately."

We all looked towards the door to see who spoke those words and we were all shocked, it was the strongest man in the village, Captain Drago!