(Arc: Vainum) Rescue

"Is this the way a nobleman like you acts in public? What gives you such confidence?"

"Young man, please don't render your life difficult. He has the backing of the Smith family," an old man mumbled.

His trembling palm was gripping my shoulder tightly, evidence of the pain the Smith family has caused this poor soul. His heavy and droopy eyes peered at me; begging me to stop. The old me would have heeded to his warning, but that Rohan was left and forgotten about in the cabin back at Bliss village. The present me was the successor of the Anderson family and I would not bow down in front of anyone!

My hold of the whip weakened and I leisurely unsheathed my sword. The blade gleamed a white light...soon to be tainted red. I launched myself at one of the guards and swung my arm in an arc-like motion. His body did not have enough time to react and all he could to do was yell in agony as he dropped to the floor. His journey to hell would not be lonely though, the other guards followed suit without delay.

Only the three aristocrats remained. To say that they were frightened would be underreckoning. The leader's lips trembled in terror as he attempted to form any semblance of words. My stare alone was enough to compel them to retreat a couple of steps. Drops of liquid dripped on the floor; the leader's crotch area seemed to be wet. The man was petrified to the point of peeing his pants. As my eyes were feasting on this scene, I couldn't retain my laughter anymore. My stomach began aching from all the giggling. After I regained my composure, I marched towards the cowards.

"The Smith family will not let this slide," the man exclaimed.

"What can a mere Smith family do against me."

His death would not be painless... I stood up covered in blood from head to toe.

"Ah that was refreshing, I really needed to destress and what better way than garbage disposal," I said.

The bodies behind me were mangled; chunks of flesh were jumbled all over the stone path. The air felt suffocating and reeked of blood, the passers-by even had to cover their noses in order not to puke. The corpses had missing limbs and their faces were undiscernible. From the spectators point of view, the man in front of them was the embodiment of evil.

With a smile, I approached the two children who were holed up next to a wall. I extended my hand. Apprehension was written all over their faces, rightly so after witnessing my wrath.

"Don't worry, you have nothing to fear. No one will hurt you from now on."

The siblings' expression seemed to change from wariness to assurance. They yearned for the day where they would escape the hell of being treated like filth. Their days were monotonous; they begged on the streets and most of the time, were told off or even worse, beaten. The pathetic look in their eyes struck a chord with me.

"How would you feel about becoming my disciples?"

Honestly, I did not know what was going through my thick head when I proposed the idea, these kids did not have an ounce of talent but I felt like that was the correct course of action. The kids' eyes began to tear up, I thought they were disheartened about the offer but then the answer hit me. They've never been shown kindness in their whole life.

They nodded and just like that, I now had two new disciples. The little boy looked at his stomach as a growl was emitted. A smirk formed on my face, these little brats were probably starving.

"Let's go grab a bite."

We sauntered to a nearby restaurant. They were apprehensive about setting foot in such a fancy establishment with their dirt stained rags but I ushered them inside, after all even my clothes were just as dirty after my massacre. The place was filled to the brim with people eating, the air was permeated with the fusion of aromas from varying types of cuisine. My nostrils were flared and I was on the brink of salivating.

"Stop! Where do you think you're going. This is not a place where your kind can enter," a waitress said out loud.

The customers' heads all turned towards us as they began giggling and making sly remarks. Their comments repulsed me to my core, how could they utter such terrible things about those children.

"Do you know who owns this institution? Master Carlos does," she proudly said.

"Am I supposed to care?" I replied coldly.

"I'm going to get you arrested for blasphemy," she yelled.

Due to the commotion, the person in charge of the place edged closer and from afar was shaking in his boots. As he was relatively close to the Anderson family, he was near the arena the day of the tournament and he had a crystal clear view of my face when I revealed my identity. His lips quivered as he ran across the room and slapped the waitress.

"You fool why would you insult a customer?"

"But sir, they are just beggars."

"Are your eyes drawn on? Can't you see who that is?" the manager asked in desperation.

"That's young master Rohan, the son of Master Carlos," he added.

The manager along with the waitress bowed down asking for forgiveness.

"Give me a table and don't make me repeat myself."

We were escorted to a VIP room; the walls were brimming with works of art that were worth a king's ransom; the white tiled floors and the sandstone walls brought a bright atmosphere to the room and made the area feel even more spacious. We were seated around a circular teakwood dining table. Introductions were long overdue.

"I'm Mara and this is Sheldon, we were separated from our parents a couple of years ago when we were forcefully brought to this region."

"Which region do you hail from?" I asked.

"we come from the region ruled by the Taylor family."

My interest was instantly piqued, the perfect opportunity was presented on a silver platter. I could ask for more details regarding the hierarchy in the region. However, my mind was swayed when I saw the shock and trauma that the topic brought.

We enjoyed the delicious meal and returned to the Anderson residence; I showed them around the vicinity. After giving them their own rooms and a new set of clothes, I steered myself towards my quarters to treat myself to some much needed shut-eye.

Tomorrow, I had to pay a visit to the Smith family!