(Arc: Revenge) The situation

"The continent of Xarxia has been colluding with the traitor and has attacked us," the Barlow head said.

"Xarxia, in addition to being superior in strength, is united whereas we were busy being at each other's throats."

After the gist of the situation was explained, everyone in the room was curious about something in particular and they did not shy away from inquiring about it.

"What's your strength level?" the Keller head asked.

"First advanced stage in swordsmanship and zenith stage in energy circulation."

Their jaws were all on the floor; journeying to the tenth initial stage was already a miracle but the advanced stages? That was an unprecedented feat in the continent.

"And I've reached the tenth initial stage in magic."

My words caught them off guard. From their point of view, this was an impossible achievement. Mastering magic and swordsmanship to such a high level was unfeasible, but here I was, an odds-defying entity.

"M-Magic? But from where did you obtain the knowledge?" grandfather inquired.

"I acquired the inheritance of Ian Keller."

The eyes of the Keller head instantly lit up, that was the name of his ancestor after all. Someone had finally managed to obtain it. Despite the individual not being part of the Keller family, he was not angry at all and instead seemed at peace. A sigh of relief was heaved before he asked,

"Where was the inheritance?"

"In the pit of Deadman."

He gave me a satisfied nod but grandfather still had some unanswered questions.

"How do you have enough energy to master both to such a degree? Even for the wise men present who've neared the zenith stage, we are lacking in that domain."

"By wise men, do you mean old farts?" I jokingly replied.

"Truth be told, my body has been altered."

I'd rather be honest and let everyone despise me than hide and live like a rat.

Despite committing this taboo, no one batted an eye. The continent was under siege and even if I was the devil himself, they wouldn't care as long as I lent a helping hand.

Our conversation went on for another half an hour and after getting acclimated to the situation, I brought up the topic that I was most interested in.

"What happened to Bliss village?"

Their heads were all bowed in shame, unwilling to give me a straight answer. The suffocating silence seemed to be never-ending until father spoke.

"Von Ellis knew of your hometown and decided to attack it first. As we were unprepared, we could do nothing but watch on the sidelines as Bliss village was reduced to ashes."

My fists were clenched in anger as he uttered those words. My frowning gaze circled the room; all of those strong individuals gave up on innocent lives because they weren't prepared? What a pathetic excuse.

"I will check on the village to see the damages."

I travelled as fast as my legs and teleportation allowed me to. I did not spare any efforts; I had to get there as soon as possible.

As I neared the village, the scale of the damage became evermore so clear. The wall that I once viewed as imposing was now merely a pile of rubble. The wooden structures were nothing more than ash and the buildings were wrecked.

Inching towards where the gates once stood, I noticed that two guards were still patrolling the area. They jumped back in fear as I revealed my presence.

"Calm down it's me, Rohan."

"O-Oh it's you."

"Take me to Gerald," I said.

After exchanging looks of worries, they assented and guided me to the guards' residence; this place held a special place in my heart as my journey began there.

The interior was still the same as in the past; the memories elicited a smile. I arrived in front of Dragos' office; in the past, I was face-to-face with him as an ant but now I was here as the strongest man in the continent.

My fist bumped on the door three times before I got an answer.

"You may enter."

The door swung open with a creaking noise. Drago who seemed to have aged twenty years was sitting at his desk. His face was ghostly white and was drained of blood; his mouth was agape and his eyes were trying to escape their sockets.

"I thought that you had perished--"

"Haven't you learned by now, I can't be killed."

"Where is Master Gerald?"

His face instantly turned sour; this was the last question he wanted to answer. He stumbled over his words before uttering,

"Gerald is no longer of this world..."

My whole world had been capsized. My face was void of emotions, I couldn't bring myself to ask for more details. Drago knew how much Gerald meant to me, therefore, he elaborated.

"He was holding the fort and was attacked by the invaders; that was the end of his courageous life."

The thoughts in my head were convoluted.

'Master died a dog's death even though his student is strong, he died thinking I had met my end, he died because I wasn't here, he died because of me...'

'May God forgive them, because I won't.'

Even though this was a huge blow to my morale, I had other people to search for.

The next stop would be the blacksmith, if anything happened to the father-son duo, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself. My faith was restored as I saw Tommy sweeping the vicinity with a broom. The dust and dirt kicked up and formed a cloud around him. This image evoked numerous memories. I moved towards him as his head pivoted to face me.

He teared up upon seeing me and he rushed to hug me. My assumption was that Jack was also doing well but I couldn't have been further from the truth...

"Come see him inside."

The situation was strange to me as he would always the first one to greet me. I walked inside the shop and steered towards the residential area. We arrived in front of Tommy's room. The door slowly opened and a bed unveiled itself. My heart was broken once again; it seemed like today was not my day after all. My dear friend was lying on the bed in pitiful shape.

Tommy had suffered an injury and was left in a vegetative state. Looking at my cherished friend made my emotions waver.

My hand slowly neared him and was placed on his chest; I vowed to get rid of those who made him suffer...