Group of Six

I had a dream... it was a dream where I was being escorted by a handsome guy. It was a sweet memory. It was pure camaraderie... or not.

Unfortunately I regained consciousness and the memory before losing consciousness came back to me. When I didn't see anyone else, I sighed.

'So embarrassing!'

I couldn't help but kick the blanket that was covering me. I sat up and slowly brought my hands close to my face to give myself a slap, but before I could do so, the curtain was pulled by someone, the one behind it was Glenn.

"Do you feel good?"

'No, I don't! After recalling what I have been thinking while you are helping me, I want to die, I'm so embarrassed' was what I wanted to say but I kept quiet.


"No, something's wrong with the way I word it. Do you still feel sick?"

'Brother, I already know what you mean! Correcting it only made it weirder.'


But I could still not bring myself to talk because if I did, I might blurt words I didn't mean. For example, 'I'm sorry for sexually harassing you while helping me', well, I didn't want to blurt that out because of my remaining conscience.


'Why are you also quiet? Please go away!'


"...Are you still unwell?"

'...I really want to dig a hole right now where I could bury myself'

Instead of keeping my silence, I shook my head no instead of answering.

"Then, I'll escort you in your room. I'll be waiting outside the door."


Glenn closed the curtain before he left. When I heard the door opening then closing, I slapped myself.


'Ouch! My slap was harder than I initially thought.'

Before I could console myself because of how strong my slap was, I saw the curtain being pulled open by Glenn checking if the sound really came from me.

"Was it you?"

"Y-You haven't gone out yet?"

"No, I thought you might have collapsed if I left you alone... guess I was wrong seeing how hard that slap was."

"Please go away!"

I grabbed the blanket and covered myself with it, hoping that Glenn would read the mood.

I waited for a few minutes before slowly lifting the blanket up to peek if Glenn heeded my request. But when I peeked out of the blanket, I saw Glenn squatting and peeking inside the blanket. Our gazes met and because of shock I couldn't help but curse.


Although Glenn was handsome, I was too shocked because I didn't expect to meet someone else's eyes. It really spooked the living daylights out of me! I almost kicked him because of it!

I got transmigrated without my consent, only to be played by a younger guy?! Unfortunately, I couldn't scold the guy who helped me. I wouldn't even want to know how he carried me to the infirmary.

"It's alright, I wouldn't tell anyone. If you're feeling fine, let's get something to eat. The doctor said you have a slight fever because of stress, and someone needed to supervise you in eating and taking the medicine. Fortunately for you, I am now free because I am exempt from taking the final exams."

I peeked out and only saw Glenn's lower body, so I turned my head up slightly and looked directly at his face asking, "W-Why?"

"It's only natural, I am your roommate after all."

I almost sprayed blood because of another shocking piece of information I got.

'Bro, whoever the original owner of this body, I want to praise you for keeping your sanity and sexual preference intact! If it was me, I may have already thrown myself.'

Although I wanted to tell him that I'm fine but from his actions since I woke up, it seemed that there was no way I could get away with him.

I wasn't sure if it was pure kindness or he was making fun of me. Either way, I would still suffer because at the end of the day I had a guardian to supervise me.

And... roommates? Was there a dorm? I wasn't sure because from the window I looked at, there was only a barren land and white like wall instead of blue sky.

I couldn't simply ask Glenn about the things I was curious about. I would be doing an OOC or 'out of character'. It was the most forbidden act as a Transmigrator! It could lead to a game over or death.

As long as Glenn accompanied me, I would have a low chance of finding out the answers to my questions, but it would be safer for me.

Also, if I was really transmigrated inside a novel then the importance of being the first overall in a school was high. From it, I could draw a conjecture that Glenn had an important role.

There were four possible roles that Glenn had in the story. The four roles were the main character, male lead, major support role, or villain. Either way, Glenn had an important role to progress the story. Sticking closer to him might give me a bigger surprise and findings than being alone by myself looking for an answer where I haven't a single clue to where I should start.

"Hey, are you really fine? You're staring blankly for a while now."

Glenn's voice snapped me back from reality. i was thinking too much forgetting that he existed.

"Sorry, I'm fine, don't worry. I'm just thinking about how I could raise my stats quickly before the final exams arrive."

"Should I train you?"


"Yes, me. In fact, I didn't have anything to do before the final exams. So, training you may also help me in the future."

Before I could answer his proposal, my stomach protested. My stomach decided to growl while we were having a conversation. I felt my face heating up.

'Do I still have a face to show?' I really want to cry because of how embarrassing my situation was since I transmigrated. Not even a day had passed, and I didn't have any dignity left because of how many times Glenn had seen me in an embarrassing situation.

"You're hungry, let's go. It's better to eat together than alone. I also have your medicine."

"...I understand."

Glenn seemed to feel the battle raging inside me because he feigned ignorance to it. Although I wanted to decline his offer, I really didn't want to eat alone, if I had the choice. I stood up too quickly which made my body tilt backwards, all I could think was, 'Crap, it's going to hurt a little', but Glenn was quicker, Glenn caught me before I fell.

Glenn caught me before I could fall but, we were in another awkward position...

For me who liked his face, it was awkward, but for him who didn't think any weird thoughts, Glenn asked, "Are you okay? You should be careful, your fever hasn't gone yet."

Glenn helped me stand up correctly. Before I could thank him, a crease on his forehead formed like he was troubled by something.

"What's wrong?", I asked.

"Hm, your uniform is a mess. Let me fix it."

Glenn fixed my uniform for me, it was as if it was normal. I wasn't sure if Glenn could be trusted but I got this weird feeling that I could trust him somehow. Was it my 6th sense talking? I wasn't sure either.

All I knew was, it was as if time stopped and the only people inside the room were him and me. It was not a magical moment for me, but I could tell that it was somehow giving me a blanket of safety and protection.

Strangely, it calmed me down. All my thoughts converged into one and it was to follow him. It was as if there was this feeling I have met the main character. It was that kind of feeling. It was an unexplainable feeling yet I knew deep inside that I was right.

"Done. Come, let's head to the dining hall."

Glenn patted my shoulder twice before telling me to follow him. Glenn went out first before I followed him out.

Outside my curtained room, there were at least nineteen more curtained rooms like mine. The other beds didn't have their curtains closed, instead they were all vacant. It was as if to mock me for how weak my constitution was. I didn't let more negative thoughts cloud my vision, I quickly followed behind Glenn.

When we reached the doctor's table, no one was there, then I realized that the noise I heard was the doctor leaving the infirmary.

Instead of asking a question, I followed behind Glenn who was walking in front of me. After leaving the infirmary, Glenn went towards the dining hall, while I followed behind him.

Our footsteps echoed the silent hall. Glenn remained silent along the way, I couldn't help but watch as Glenn walked in front of me. Glenn had an unapproachable aura surrounding him which reminded me that I was not a friend, but a roommate and classmate.

My relationship with Glenn should have been the closest but, I felt that Glenn had already drawn a line between him and everyone else in our class. No one approached him, but everyone still moved to help us move the desk when he stood up, it was as if everyone was watching his every move.

I didn't want to step inside his boundaries nor see a reason for the need to do so.

We went up the stairs, after reaching the floor above where the infirmary was

I was surprised to see that the whole floor itself was the dining hall.

I didn't stare too long because Glenn started to move towards where the food was, so I followed behind him.

When we reached where the food was, I could see that it was like any typical cafeteria where students could line up to receive their food. But instead of having a cafeteria helper, students could grab their own food without any supervision on what and how much they could eat.

There was a lot of food, and I couldn't find any familiar food. Glenn grabbed a tray and entered the line, when Glenn reached a meal he wanted to eat, Glenn would scoop from time to time.

There was still a lot of food remaining so there was a lot of selection, instead of thinking which food I should eat, I scooped whatever Glenn took.

Fortunately, no one was behind me so I had a lot of time to think about. When I reached the end of the line, I saw the utensils. When I grabbed my utensils, I saw Glenn looking for a place to eat.


Glenn and I heard someone calling him. Glenn and I turned our gaze towards the direction where the sound came from.

What I saw was a girl waving crazily at Glenn gesturing him to come. Glenn shook his head gently before sighing. Although Glenn acted like he was embarrassed I could see a smile on his lips.

Glenn turned towards me before saying, "Let's go. Sit with me. I need to supervise you."


Glenn started to walk towards the waving girl. When the girl saw Glenn coming she stopped waving and sat down.

Actually, the table we were going to wasn't far from where the food was, but it felt distant for me. The stares from the other students felt like they were peeling me like a banana.

It sent shivers down my spine but I didn't let them see that I was affected by their blatant stares.

Fortunately, when we reached the table, the stares that were coming from all directions stopped.

But, a new kind of stare was thrown in my direction, it was of curiosity but to a different degree.

Glenn, unaware, greeted them before sitting down. The table had a twelve student seating capacity. There were five students, now seven, including Glenn and me. Glenn patted the seat beside him which was empty and told me to sit down.

"Glenn, did you pick up another puppy?" a guy asked Glenn while blatantly staring at me.

"Jasper, stop being jealous, you know Glenn, he will not pick a puppy even if it is cute."

"Jealous my ass. I'm just curious why there is another addition to our group."

"He is indeed quite lanky, but if Glenn scouted him then he is special like us."

"Do you really believe that shit?"

The table became silent...

Looking at Jasper who was still angry, and Glenn who was eating like it was not his fault, I couldn't help but gulp from the tension.