Home Coming

As I woke up I was bombarded with a bunch of floating messages informing me of many things such as [level up x5], [quests page now available], [inventory now available] [your hp and np have been fully regenerated] and much more after about a couple of minutes I was able to figure out everything and went on to one of the most important things I would need to complete the game skill

"System show me all of the skills that I currently have"

[skills| Fire Magic: Rank D/Physical Enhancement: Rank D/Magic control: Rank EX/Temperature Resistance: Rank D+/???: Rank ???]

"Ok 1 why are there letters next to my skills instead of numbers and 2 what the hell is this ??? Skill" (the game system you're familiar has been modified as my creator as he didn't like how it looked and I'm not allowed to tell you what the hidden skill is as of right now)

"Hmm your creator must be the person who reincarnated me, well that doesn't matter right now anyways when will you be able to tell me what my hidden skill is anyways" (when you finally finish the early game)

"Well then I guess I should check out the area I'm at right now" I say before getting on top of a rock and looking around "just as I thought nothing but sand" for now I should try to find my way to the area the salamanders normally hang around as that's where I can find mobs that I can farm at my current level

Speaking of my level "systems show me my level" I say before a red and golden holographic square shows up in front of me [level:14] hmm isn't the normal level of a salamander like level 20 or something this actually pretty good

After that I did some other stuff check for any new quests I might have missed, looked around the system to check for anything interesting and after I was done I had found only 1 thing that was actually interesting

[Home coming: find an area with at least over 50 other salamanders. For this quest you will be provided with a arm band that will glow brighter when you're closer to an area that has over 50 salamanders or dimmer if you're farther away. Rewards: Poison Magic]

"Well there's still a couple hours before it turns night so might as well get some progress on this quest" I said looking at the dim arm band

1 hour later

After so long nothing had changed all I was was sand and nothing else at least I knew I had traveled a lot because I couldn't even see the canyon even if I tried so that was something I guess

Anyways the band was glowing a bit more then before hell it even shined a bit, but I still had 0 clue how far I would need to travel and the fact I was unable to see pacifically where i was,what time it's was and crap like that was kind of annoying

Honestly if a fantasy adventure was meant to be like this I would take sittings in my room playing games and chatting in the weekends with my friends before getting back to my job

Hell if anything my life was pretty fulfilling, if a little dull but considering I had a high paying job, many friends and a good relationship with my family of course no girlfriend but hey, I'm in a world with gods, demons and creatures strong enough to destroy entire universe's with a sneeze might as well enjoy it

While I was thinking about my kind of depressing situation because as it turns out I had yet to truly make peace with my situation, I failed to notice that my arm band had began to glow even brighter

After a while I finally noticed and began to fun as if I was a child in a candy shop, I was so excited to finally finish this quest and find a place where I could level up without the worry of dying

1 hour later

[quest completed you now have poison magic]

"*heavy breathing* I finally fucking made it" I say as I finally made it to the top of a hill over looking a giant group of salamanders with what looked like a small oasis next to them, actually thinking about the oasis any was it that I hadn't need to drink water in like 3 days and if I have the ability to basically live without water was isn't it a skill or something

(the reason you didn't need to drink water for so long is because of your body being made to survive the normally extremely hot and cold desert it has developed to only need extremely small amounts of water as well as being able to survive with that water for more then a week, also this isn't considered a skill because it just isn't extraordinaire enough)

Well that explains it thanks guild anyways right now I'm just gone plan for what build I'm gone use for the early-early game, actually that sounds pretty stupid might as well just call it the early game, it might confuse anyone other them me but hey it's not like anyones reading my mind or something right

Couple minutes later

I got it I'm gone use the build known as ShadowXRider's fast af blade build crated by the player ShadowXRider it's focused purely on speed with a bit of healing on the side this build could also be used as a way to get into multi classing as I allowed you to effectively use magic as well this was a build that carried me through the early game and introduced me to the most important thing in this game what build you had aka equipment and how you used it

Anyways this was a pretty obscure build as it got our shined by the garbage builds that only did massive damage in the video because the guy was over level and if they were actually used in the game they would fail miserably

Anyways enough about me ranting about how most build videos were clickbait and back to actually trying to get this build, to get this build I would first need to kill the berserker Vikings on one of the frozen contents islands and seconds was to kill Edgar of the crimson blade who was a pure blood vampire, everything else would also be available while I was traveling to kill these people

Even though I want to do all of this I'm still just a weakling and I will need to be at least level 100 if I want to challenge and there's also the problem with equipment aka my lack of it so for now I should just try to level up then start getting some equipment before trying anything major

After I was done thinking about what build I should use I made my way next to the oasis and dark some water "ah that hit the spot" I said as I drank water of the first time in this new world

After that I tried to talk or communicate with some of the other salamanders which was very unsuccessful after a while it turned dark and everyone of the salamanders began to dig holes to sleep in, I did it as well because well I was getting tired, do you any idea how much energy it takes to walk for 2 hours straight I was so tired that I didn't care that I was sleeping on sand I just went to get some sleep

While I was sleeping though my system was changing and had added another new feature [you can now access evolutions]

|School as usual has been a giant pain in my ass and as been stoping me from being as creative as I need to make this novel as well as the fact they keep bombarding me with work anyways I will try to work on this a bit more from now on I definitely have most of the endgame stuff mapped out though so that something|