War awaits...

Placing the strands of hair that was blocking his view of her beautiful face behind her ear, Lee Ming then asked "Do you want to make that dream come true?". "Uhmm...I don't know" Eva lied while trying to make an attempt to get off him but it was futile because his grip on her waist was strong. "Are you sure Wifey?" He asked as he started to place soft and gentle kisses down her neck. "Lee.." Eva moaned giving herself out. "I know you want it Wifey and I'll give it to you" he said as he continued placing kisses on her neck. "I don't want to do it. If we do it, it will be considered rape because I didn't consent to it" Eva said but Lee Ming scoffed at her words and placed her on the bed. Now hovering over her. "I don't rape women Eva, I f*ck them" He said as a whisper in her ear. Eva then remembered that he said this exact thing in her dream.

"Damn... everything is going according to your dream Eva!!" The demoness voice in Eva's head screamed.