Morning sickness

It took about an hour before the doctor arrived. Eva was still curled up on the couch when the man walked in. "Sweetheart, the doctor is here" Yu Shao said to Eva as she walked towards her. Feeling weak and tired, Eva struggled to sit up straight. "Good morning doctor".

"Good morning ma'am. How are you feeling?" The doctor asked. "She has been really weak since morning and she was also throwing up" Yu Shao answered instead. Being that the doctor was the same one that attended to her while she was in the hospital, the man chuckled before saying "She's pregnant. The morning sickness usually comes along with being pregnant ma'am". Yu Shao looked puzzled for a split second before a huge smile appeared on her face. "You're pregnant? Why didn't you tell me sweetheart? I was so worried". "I'm sorry I didn't say anything earlier. I just assumed it'd be better if Lee and I told you together" Eva felt sorry that she made the woman so worried.