Pokelore Privilege

Finally the gelatinous environment no longer even swayed. Warily, I cracked an eye, shaking a second or two longer before I realized I was on stable ground.

The Atmosphere was motionless & uniform. I almost kissed the wall of a predominantly white and silver arena, big enough to serve as a Whale’s Tank at the zoo. A Chunky set of stairs rose several stories over to my left (and I began to wonder how many wild stories this place indeed kept). In the peripheral vision of my other side, I noticed Gutt happily twisting his torso as if having a good stretch.

I squinted back over my shoulder at the three remaining crescents, blinking a few times. “In there,” I gasped. I felt like I had retained a mere smell of a strange new delicacy, like I needed to recall something important and couldn’t figure out what it was. “It’s mesmerizing.... a supernatural drug.”