Maggy - 20 yards to me and accelerating. I popped up, elongating my breath to keep my bearings, and tighter gripped debris twisted against my palm: “*Make room for one mistreated passenger*,” I murmured.
A haunted gaze was openly locked into Malibu’s face as he screamed towards my position. I don’t think he knew what to say or how to say it in an appropriate amount of time, but it was evident the impending moment would test the resolve of both our wits - and no retries would be granted.
My heart dropped and bore a hole through my stomach as doubts about clearing this hurdle crept in. Nothing short of immaculate will drive you home. The vocation looked to require the acrobatics of a reverse Train-jumpin’ (which nobody would ever do unless a last resort). I’d have to cling onto the hurdle at around 40 mph, and refuse any Shock~Waves from deflecting me off the roughly 5-square-feet of Metallic Motorpower. I didn’t even have time to cringe at the massive odds of agony.