
Amy stroked the bronze Kite-pin between her fingers. "Seems dumb you even wanna take this accessory. It's no huge deal; just a reminder of well-wishing."

"Muss apply some sssorta ssignificance if Old Hoot Owl wants it," Saul slurred. "The quessstion of fairnesss comes to why we get two favors, but the Moth chargesss three things."

"Had you lissstened clossser," scorned the harpy, "You would recall I am tolling extra for insolence. Truly I should humiliate a section of your ranks, but I feel I've exposed a corrosive amount of Gated matters between your colony."

It was rubbing salt over the wounds. Immediately I dreamt of OOZING it full of metal slugs or dicing it with laser-beams.

"Fear & ambition," Ruby spoke, now standing. "Are the two impulses enough to cause brashness, outside of actual immaturity."