Mudriftia-bowl Acrobattled chime$(@%

{Everyone gathered around the spot of the Giant faintee} - where Rovo mumbled something we couldn't decipher, distressful note'strings sk^pping across his thick lips.

“What did you mean," Anika implored, "By the creature changed?”

Ruby assumed, “He probably means it reassembled.”

Rovo hastily pointed at Rebecca. "Not far off, oh man..." he foamed. "It's skin peeled off, just melted!"

Trent grew wistful: "Hehe, I sauced the bogey's platter spicy good then."

At that, a chain of hollow, clacking sounds pushed into our sensory. David's shriveled neck scanned the tree ring, warily. "That can't be good."

Rovo covered his ears & doubled over his stomach: "It's zombified! beyond even..." he driveled. "Bones were tunneling, the skull took to floating; what are we gonna freaking do?" Pheo wanted to scoop Rovo to his enormous feet, but he pushed her grasp away and stared down at the hard-deck. Everyone else raised guns, expecting to be disturbed.