$*Cope of Seekers

“SPEAKING of utensils, there remains the issue of the original DRILL-bit we de’sired...”

“Can I ask,” Pheo entreated, “Whether you designed those flexi-blades inside?”

“Seek!” fluttered fruity-tongues. “She seeeEK!eRr...” buzzed the moths.

Purple haze seeped out from the skull-orifices, & trickled down into a lulling orbit around its collar like a wreath of theatrical lights. “Would you rather glean from mere words, or may I entreat you to quest alongside your colleagues to discover fashion by engaging the incubators of the source? For expertise is not a single mind’s bidding.”

“You humble me with ambition,” Pheo obliged. “But I should retract my curiosity if it’s *That* far~fetched.”

The prickly Centaur whinnied. “Yettt frenzy has never extinguished a Phoenix, nor easily disposed a Beamer.”