A New Girl

Jane arrived at the station with haste and headed inside searching for Maxine. Maxine, who was almost done sketching Alice’s face, noticed a shadow standing behind the closed entrance door into Adam’s office. She looked at the shadow which was coming closer into the office. As she was staring, a clatter from the window distracted her. Scared, she turned immediately and focused on the window. The killer’s image appeared on the glass beside the window. As she was still staring at the image, another masked killer also appeared on the glass. As she was staring at them, the door opened immediately and Maxine turned with force and admits fear. It was Jane. Maxine breathed out heavily, her heart almost flew away.

“Jane..” she said and headed towards her.

“Come on..we’re leaving right away” Jane said after receiving an embrace from Maxine.

“Wait I gotta….” She turned to take the sketch but she didn’t see it anymore.

“What?” Jane looked at her scared face and asked.