
Maxine opened her eyes and saw a person wearing a white mask, standing above her, looking at her face, holding a sharp knife on his hand. The killer tilted his head, still looking at her.

“You look hot”

“Please” Maxine cried.

“Are you always that scared?”

“Yes I am, I-I’m scared please, don’t hurt me” she begs.

“But I wanna hurt you. You think in change my mind?” the killer chuckled.

“I’m just scared”

“Scared of what exactly? The mask or the man behind the mask? Or the knife?” he looked at the knife.

“Everything” she sobs.

“Don’t cry Maxine, I hate tears. Especially from pretty and popular girls in school”

“Please” she snorted and the killer paused the stare on her face.

’We can settle your death in another way, are you interested?”

“Uhmmm” Maxine nodded.

“We will play a game, if you win, you live and you lose, you die. Are you in?” the killer continued and Maxine nodded immediately.

“No rules” he snickered.