As It Was

“Hey” a handsome teen boy stopped Jane from walking away from the house. Tom and Brian’s mouths were sealed with a black tape.

“I don’t believe those kids are yours” he said to her. Jane turned to him, displaying the mask.

“Oh fuck that, nobody is scared of that stupid mask anymore. Just let the kids go and I will not hurt you I swear” he said softly but Jane stood still, still five feets ahead of him.

“Have a problem in your ears? I said let the fucking kids go you stupid…” he stopped talking when the masked killer disappeared from the kids and appeared in front of him. She moved her masked face left and right in front of his eyes.

“Do you still think that it is a stupid mask? You should be inside sucking a pussy” she said the terrified teen.

“I swear you are gonna regret this” he said, terrified.

“Nice last words” Jane said and purged her knife into his forehead. With force, she pushed it inside his brain and pulled it back out with force. The teen fell down, dead.