Book's Original Title: "Diary Of A Psychopath: Descent Into Madness"
If you are the type to feel easily offended, please do not read further. This is a work of fiction and is satire, not meant to be taken seriously, despite there are some dramatic parts where you either hate or love the main protagonist. If you hate him, he’s doing a good job being a villain, and if you love him, I could say you somehow relate to him. Also, even the chats in this book are also fiction and were just roleplays from real life.
Some topics here are so-called “too” controversial by average Twitter users, Karens, and other people on both the internet and real life. But do not let this discourage you from reading it, there are key points that make sense that say a lot about our society today. You may find this “cringe”, “edgy”, or somewhat “garbage” because this entire novel was intentionally written that way as part of being “satire”. But it is up to you how you review this book. Although I may be selling this, I wanted to give this away for free, the money is just a bonus. Yet, I have to find a way for me to pay rent and bills, right? It’s not about the money, it’s about sending a message.
Viewer discretion is advised.
Note: The word “Malkavian” is just a reference to Vampire: The Masquerade, which is already trademarked by White Wolf Publishing. It is not part of the story whatsoever. It is merely just a nickname for a character’s username for a fictional online chatting platform.
Recently, it's been quite a mess, really. A vampire with a compulsion to have delusional thoughts, caused by too much psychic power.
Psychic powers that include hypnosis, telepathy, mind-reading, clairvoyance, seeing the future, knowing people's karmic personalities, reading people like a book with a glance, invading one's mind and turn them insane, glaring into someone's soul into infecting them with my own insanity.
Such overpowered abilities as a psi-vamp, which they call energy vampires, broke my psyche, which is of course, my mind, corrupting it into utter lunacy.
Having my own mind to be plagued with such psychosis.
Into utter confusion, the mind's impulse to think vampires do not exist, even though I am one, at the same time, thinking they do, and being aware enough of my own madness, I somehow think I am a vampire who has a delusion that vampires do not exist but they actually do, and the spiralling loophole continues on and on without cease.
Seizing my own thoughts, running rampant and wild, like a savage river down to a waterfall, behind it having the treasure, which is the cure to the agony of my own insanity. It is none but my inevitable end, if I wish to end my suffering now.
Thus, having my own thoughts and emotions puzzled, utterly, they are none of my own but the compulsion of the mind. Such powers to control people's thoughts, thinking it is their own. Clearly, I've mastered it enough in order to get myself the absolute freedom I've wished for. It was just hope. In the end, it was a wish, a dream that came true.
Now walking in the streets of Downtown, occurring in San Fernando City. To which are located in the higher regions of the Philippines in Southeast-Asia.
I may or may not be convinced by such of the horrors of the rebellious group of vampires I've been a part of, signed a contract with the oath of my own blood. I once remember that my master gutted my stomach up to my chest, where I bathed in my own blood as part of the ceremony.
Some say…, it is a cult of some sort. I'd say it is a society, a society where I can belong, but the only tenet I do not agree with, secretly, is to reject my humanity.
As a vampire, once you have died, turned into one, your soul is gone, where your humanity is no more.
According to their tenet, in explanation, of course, is that as a vampire, once alive as a human, now an undead creature, your humanity is but a stain to your new unlife. As a vampire, you are more than human, probably more than beast, the higher aristocrat of human society.
Human emotions that are left in your now a vampiric brain, that are not even considered alive anymore, as everyone that once loved you as you were alive are no more than burdens in your vampiric life. You are higher than human, not equal, nor lower just because you are more than a beast.
Having to embrace your inner monster is the way to be powerful as a vampire, and not to linger the past life you had as a human. Having such touchstones such as your human loved ones that no longer believes you are alive will just ruin your ultimate goals you never achieved once you were human.
As a vampire, you can do anything you want, you have power, wealth, women, anything you have ever wished for. What more can you have?
Only if you accept the beast within, and not seen as a separate entity, but accept it as your true self, and learn how to tame it and control it with proper discipline and sheer willpower with the right amount of determination. You know you are in for a treat.
But myself? I don't have any wishes at all. My only wish is to gain my ultimate freedom. That's about it. As for freedom, I was locked up in a mental ward.
I was given a choice if I wanted to be free. Join the undead, leave the past, and continue to my everlasting future of every wish I desire, but I have to leave my humanity away.
It happened on a dark night. I could still hear the echoing voices of mentally insane patients screaming, laughing, and muttering in the asylum to this day. Having to vividly remember that same night, a man had come to visit me during the early night before everyone was heading to bed.