Forgiving Kitai - (Makai's Point of View)

"What events?" I ask.

He looks thoughtful. "Three months ago Quinn and I went to New Orleans. He was meeting his friend from the Garlish Pack about some rogue issues they were having, and I tagged along last minute. The first night, we lodged in a hotel and something very disturbing happened.

We had separate rooms but I didn't want to be alone, so after I showered for the night I went to his room and kept him up so late just talking about the pack and his plans for the future that I ended up sleeping in his room with him."

"What happened?" I ask when he hesitated for a while without speaking.

"I woke up to see him struggling as if something was choking him. He was wearing a necklace, one I had never seen him wear before, and it was as if he was both choking himself with it and trying to break free from it.