Telling The Truth - (Storm's Point of View)

Callum looks between Makai and me. "It's kind of weird feeling this...tension between you two. You seemed so happy the last time I saw you. I can't even tease you anymore."

I elbow him in warning to let him know that I don't appreciate the interference, and enjoy his painful grunt.

"About that, the last time we saw you. What were you really doing there? I still don't believe that it was a coincidence," Makai accuses, changing the subject from our broken relationship.

"That's part of the reason I wanted to speak to you. I was supposed to spy on you and let them know if you get the artifact."

"Did you-"

"No. I helped you because I wanted you to find it quickly and leave before they send reinforcement. They didn't expect you to find it as fast as you did. I was just to keep an eye on you for the first few days."

"We were ambushed at the hotel. They knew we had it. Abominations were waiting for us in our hotel room when we got there."