Sharing Problems - (Storm's Point of View)

I tell Callum the sad story about how we found out we were mates, Kai's resistance, my persistence, our half-bond, and the terrible fight that broke us up. He looks surprised, then sympathetic, comforting me as I get emotional in the telling.

"So that is the story of my life," I finish.

"Aww babe," he croons, pulling me into his arms. When I manage to control my emotions, he pulls away to look at me.

"I'm sorry things happened that way. I know how much you've wanted him, and how long. That's why I was so happy for you when you told me you were mates. You know I always suspected he was your mate?"

I snort. "Shut up! You didn't."

His expression turns serious again. "I did. You wanted him so much and were so in love with him that I thought it just had to be him because it would be so unfair otherwise. And I figured you were already special because of your magic so your goddess would like you enough to grant that request."