WebNovelHis Siren13.01%

Chapter Sixteen

Vale spent a lot of time with Gideon and I was already hungry, but I couldn't leave the place. It would have been rude of me to do so and so I waited for him.

After waiting for over 45 minutes he shows up with Gideon behind him.

"I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting Arya" vale apologized

"It's fine..."

"Congratulations Arya. You can start tomorrow and Rosie here will lead you"

"Yes sir"

I and vale left the building and just to apologize for keeping me waiting he insisted he takes me for lunch and I was too hungry to say no.

We went to an eatery, it was a beautiful spot. I couldn't wait to order. The waiter came over and took our list and in a few seconds lunch was served.

"Now you have a job will you consider singing part-time"

"The more reason I should not bother doing that"

"You don't have to work for 8 hours. Yes the pay is good but you still need to make more money"

"I'll think about it but for now I want to thank you for making this possible"