WebNovelHis Siren15.45%

Chapter Twenty

I arrived early at work alongside Rosie. We actually met at the entrance of the company.

"Hey beautiful" Rosie called

It was so sweet to hear her call me that. Ever since I started working at the company, she never stopped telling me I was so beautiful and how she'd love me to meet with her brother.

She got off my back when I told her I was in a serious relationship. Working with had was fun and I enjoyed every it of it.

"How was your weekend Rosie?"

"It was hectic had to deal with the kids and my husband who is my first baby"

That made me laugh. I could imagine.

"Did you get any rest?"

"Barely... I had a really busy one and I'm glad it is over now"

"Are you done with the files I gave you?"

"Yes, I am... I'll bring them over now"

She handed over to me some other files and asked me to sort them out too. They were not so much and I was able to finish them in an hour.

After that, Rosie thought me how to transfer calls and I was a quick learner so that made it easier.

There were still a couple of works to be done in the office, the manager had sent for Rosie and so I was the only person at the reception.

There was a call that came in and I was to transfer it to the head of the accounting department, which I did. But while at it, I noticed a man in a black hood walk into to reception.

He went straight to the couch in the reception and sat down. He sat down there for a couple of minutes and then I decided to ask if he needed any help.

"Excuse me, Sir, do you want to see someone?"

But he ignored me completely. I went back to what I was doing but I felt uncomfortable because all ever since the man stepped into the reception he had his eyes on me. I remembered that man at the bookshop.

"Are you sure you don't need any help?" I asked again but yet he ignored me.

Each time I lifted my eyes up I caught him staring at me. I didn't know what to do.

"Should I call security? Should I wait for Rosie to come?"

My thoughts were conflicted, but in all, I finally decided to wait for Rosie. The moment I saw Rosie I almost ran over to her but I kept my cool till she got to her desk. Then I went over to her and whispered.

"The man over there has refused to say what he wants but keeps staring at me"

"I'll go over to him and ask him what he wants"

Just as he had said, she stood up and walked in his direction. The moment the man noticed she was coming over to meet him, he got up and walked out of the door.

"Weirdo" Rosie shouted

"Do they act like this around here? That's really creepy"

"Don't worry I'll inform security about this and the next time someone comes in like this don't hesitate to call security"

"I won't"

The working hours finally came to an end and I left the office. I had boarded a taxi to go home when I got a text message from Vale.

I've spoken with the manager at the bar and he would like to meet up with you. at 7 pm. Casablanca bar by fugue street.

I got home, took a shower, and then a short nap and I was lost in the water again.

I was trying to get myself to the surface of the water but something kept pulling me deeper into the water. I was seeing mermaids and mermen moving passed me, I tried to ask for help from them but they all passed without looking my way. I was also without legs but with tails. I was alarmed. I was also a mermaid.

"How did I become one?" I asked myself

It was getting scarier when I heard a voice call my name.

"Kiani! Kiani!!!"

It was a bit distant but as the force dragged me deeper into the water I could hear the voice.

And the more I got closer the voice got louder and scarier.

But yet I was curious to know who had the voice. I finally got to a beautiful place and the force was gone. I didn't hear the voice anymore instead I saw how beautiful the environment was, it was filled with petals and wild roses.

It had light fishes moving around and as they moved in unison they emanated a beautiful reading light.

Other mermaids were still passing, but they all passed like they didn't see me there.

I tried to greet some of them on some occasions, to ask them where they here but they all snubbed me.

Two huge mermen came out from nowhere and dragged me with them, I tried to wriggle away from their grip but it was too hard and tight.

I kept trying and even pleading but it fell on deaf ears.

"What have I done to you?"

"Let me go"

I shouted for help, struggled but all to no avail.

We were drawing close to a dead-end, and I was wondering how we were going to pass. And then they pushed open the wall before and a door opened.

They brought me inside the cell not minding if they hurt me or not. I was not quite either.

I kept shouting and wailing for help. Then they closed the door.

"Let me out.. get me out of here" I kept shouting till I was exhausted. I couldn't help but start to cry.

I jumped out of bed. My body was soaked in sweat. This dream again. Then my phone started ringing. I checked the caller and it was Vale.


I was supposed to meet him at the bar by 7 pm. I rushed to check what the time was saying. It was 6:45 pm already. I rushed to shower and put on my dress, stopped a taxi, and went to Casablanca.